Flagler College

Ancient City Stories Bringing Light to St. Augustine Locals

St. Augustine and some of its residents can prove to be very quirky and interesting people. Ancient City Stories is a new series first aired early this October produced by Flagler students and alumni that seeks to shed light on notable St.Augustine locals. The show has been picked up by CW-17 in Jacksonville and airs once a week on Sundays at 6 pm.

Ingrilli, Saints ready for bounce-back year

If you walked by the Flagler College Tennis Complex, you have probably seen the women’s tennis team hard at work getting ready for their upcoming spring season. Now a captain, third-year player Krista Ingrilli is leading the charge and hopes to act as liaison between her teammates and coaches.

Overcoming obstacles: Draper pursues pro dream

Education is important. But sometimes when an offer so great is reeling at your fingertips, you have no choice but to drop the ball and put it on hold. Well, in Robyn Draper’s case, “dropping the ball” is the exact opposite of what got her an offer in the first place.