
Cruisin’ with the Ladies

As you read this, I’m on my way to Ft. Lauderdale to head out on the first (hopefully annual) Barenaked Ladies Ships & Dip Cruise. (I don’t know who came up with that title, but it is wonderfully random.)

Yes, the band I can’t quit talking about somehow forgot to put out a restraining order against me and I’ll be in an enclosed space with them for five days. Heaven help us all.

Actually, as fanatic as I am, I can’t bring myself to disturb them when they’re not “working.” I have always claimed that if I ever saw them in a public place I would not run up to them like some crazed fan. They are not “working.” It’s not the same as a concert.

Happy Talk

On Saturday, Jan., 27, Flagler College will premiere a screening of the narrative comedy “Happy Talk” at the Flagler College Auditorium at 7:30 p.m.

Written by Communication Assistant Professor Nadia Ramoutar and directed by Associate Professor Jim Gilmore this is a delightful and thought-provoking comedy you won’t want to miss.

I want that

No this isn’t an homage to Napoleon Dynamite, although I must admit, “Tina you fat lard, come get some dinner!” is still one of my favorite movie lines ever.

But Uncle Rico does not appear here, nor do Kip or Deb. No gratuitous “Vote for Pedro” references. Sorry folks. This time I really want to jump on the technology bandwagon.

CD Review: Yusuf Islam

An Other Cup

By Kristin Chambers

Grab your lighter, because these tunes will have you swaying back and forth to the breezy rhythms of the former Cat Stevens. Yusuf Islam is back from the ’70s with fresh cream in his cup. After defining a generation with Tea For The Tillerman, 2006 has brought Yusuf to a new level of enlightenment both spiritually and musically. Featuring Maybe There’s a World and Heaven/Where True Love Goes, these light melodies will sweep you into a universe of tranquility and peace.

Yusuf incorporates his Islamic religion into lyrics, which mirror his peaceful demeanor and love for the world around him. But you don’t have to be religious to enjoy his melodies. Even an atheist will recognize the talent that started Yusuf’s career over thirty years ago.

CD Review: Happy Feet


By Kelly Gray

Anyone who has ever ridden in a car with kids knows that finding music everyone can listen to is not the simplest thing to do. Most children CDs tend to be obnoxious to the adult ear, while songs on the radio can be too inappropriate for younger listeners. The soundtrack to the motion picture Happy Feet is the perfect solution to this problem. Combining popular songs from the ’70s and ’80s with artist popular today makes this CD pleasant for both adults and kids.

The variety of music genres, as well as singers, adds to the enjoyment of Happy Feet. Everything from rock, to disco, to reggae, to pop can be found on this artist packed CD.

Something’s a bit squirrelly around here

You just have to appreciate people who have the same twisted sense of humor you do. And my coworker, Mike, is much appreciated by me.

You can thank him for the “wobbly bits” blog and the one about the First Lady’s fashion faux pas. And now you can thank him for my commentary on psychotic squirrels. Yes, I said squirrels.

Apparently a pack of black squirrels (or a dray as it is called) attacked a dog in Russia last week. There are so many things about this story that make me simultaneously shudder and laugh.

Alumna honored by North Florida PRSA chapter

By Bill Weedmark

Recent Flagler College graduate Adriana Sicari was awarded the 2006 Student Promise Award by the North Florida Chapter of the Public Relations Society of America.

She was the only student in the region to receive the award.

According to the PRSA, this award is given to a student who has “achieved significant results with a pro bono project or a non-profit organization; or the student may have conducted an effective public relations campaign regarding an important issue on campus.”

Holiday music for the carol-impaired

By Danielle Marsh

Do you find yourself listening to the same Christmas music over and over every year or do you find yourself not listening to anything at all? Well let’s spice this year up by checking out all our options. Ranging from the soothing sounds of Kenny G, to the eclectic O.C. Chrismukkah CD, the lists are infinite on the different types of music that are available this holiday season.

At the top of the charts this year is the Trans Siberian Orchestra. For those that find traditional music a bit dull, the TSO may be the twist needed to spice up the holiday season.

Three women walk into a ball…

No this isn’t a bad joke, it’s my way of telling you that three women showed up to an exclusive White House holiday reception wearing the same dress. Not only that, it was the same dress the First Lady was wearing.

As a woman I found myself cringing at the fashion faux pas and then realized the absurdity of CBS News covering such a story. This is supposed to be news?

Next thing you know we’ll be talking about how Danny DeVito and Rhea Perlman got it on in the Lincoln bedroom. Oh wait, that’s already been covered.