
Starving to be skinny: College women fight eating disorders

By Caroline Young |

Flagler junior Allie Martin* starting starving herself a little over a year ago. Typically, half of an apple was her biggest meal of the day.

“I liked the feeling of being starving,” she said.

Martin said some days she would reach 150 calories, max.

“Some days I’d just have coffee,” Martin said. “After two days, I would break down and have a salad.”

Setting it Straight: New bike plan imminent in St. A

Setting it Straight is a radio talk show on Flagler College Radio WFCF, 88.5 FM Radio With a Reason. Every week, Communication major Kelly Gibbs brings in a St. Augustine local to discuss issues going on around the city. The show airs every Thursday morning at 8:30.

This week, Kelly Gibbs interviewed Marci Larson from the North Florida Transportation Planning Organization about new bike trails and feedback from the public concerning a safer way to get around on a bike.

Setting it Straight: Flagler Model UN and world events

Setting it Straight is a radio talk show on Flagler College Radio WFCF, 88.5 FM Radio With a Reason. Every week, Communication major Kelly Gibbs brings in a St. Augustine local to discuss issues going on around the city. The show airs every Thursday morning at 8:30.

During this show, Kelly Gibbs interviewed Flagler Model UN (United Nations) President Pat Ferguson about upcoming events with the club this semester and current world events.

New plan shapes Flagler’s academic future

By Tiffanie Reynolds | A new deaf education lab, renovations to the Chisp-Ellert House and a teaching center are some of the changes students may see on campus in the future. The Academic Strategic Plan, passed by the Faculty Senate in late January, gives…

EPA budget cuts stir controversy

By Alex Bonus |

The Environmental Protection Agency would suffer a $1.3 billion loss under President Barack Obama’s proposed 2012 budget, a modest reduction compared to the $3 billion Republicans hope to cut from the organization’s funding this year.

Released Feb. 14, the president’s plan came three days after House Republicans introduced revisions to the current budget, which would reduce EPA funding from $10.3 billion to about $7.5 billion. Obama’s budget would reduce funding to $9 billion next year, demonstrating the stark divide between the financial goals of both parties.

Dietary advice makes little impact

By Alex Bonus |

Kelly Gray says eating her cupcakes is a guilty pleasure for customers, and new federal dietary guidelines won’t change that fact.

“In this economy, people aren’t paying to go out,” Gray, the manager of Luli’s Cupcakes at 82 San Marco Ave., said. “But for $2.50 they’ll buy a little treat even if it isn’t healthy.”

St. Augustine locals stay loyal to ‘Jesus Chicken’

By Caroline Young |

St. Augustine Chik-fil-A manager Janette Manning has no idea about last week’s controversy when a gay rights group lashed out about the fast-food chain’s support of an anti-homosexual organization in Pennsylvania.

“I haven’t heard anything about it,” Manning said. “No guests or anybody have said anything about that.”

But Flagler College junior Adam Krell is aware of the controversy. Krell, who is gay, will not be changing his tri-weekly trips to the St. Augustine Chik-Fil-A.

Planned Parenthood at risk of losing government funding, services

By Lindy Almony |

Planned Parenthood may soon be denied all government funding and Staci Fox, the president and CEO of Planned Parenthood of North Florida, is distraught about the possibility. “At a time when more and more women and families are facing difficulties in accessing health care due to increasing costs and a struggling economy, it is disappointing that one of the first bills introduced in Congress would undermine women’s access to health care,” Fox said.