Arts & Entertainment

Food or Fun?

Many students choose high tech gadgets over necessity items

Illustration by Dan McDonald

By Summer Bozeman

Do you have an iPod? A camera phone? A flatscreen TV? If you do, then you’re probably in the majority of Flagler students. But what did you sacrifice to buy them?

According to the National Retail Federation, college students spent $7.5 billion on electronics and computer equipment in 2004, separate from the $2.1 billion they spent on school supplies. The only thing the survey found students spent more on was textbooks — with $8.8 billion — and the numbers have only risen in the following years. The problem is that many students will spend their “bread money” on luxury items, forcing themselves to subsist on Spaghetti-Ohs and Cup ‘O Noodles.

Strolling down Silver Lake Drive

A local, 1970s-inspired R&B band strays from the mainstream sound

By Kristen Shea

Silver Lake Drive is a street in Palatka where four guys got together and started jamming, and eventually named their band after the starting point of their careers.

Senior’s photo qualifies as finalist in national photography competition

By Kincaid Schmidt

Andrea Huls is an expert at stopping time.

She is not, however, a scientist. Nor is she a quantum physicist or a magician. But as a photographer, the native of Bolivia has the ability to capture a moment in time perfectly, and that expertise is now being recognized in a big way.

Huls, a photo editor for The Gargoyle, received a letter last month from Photographer’s Forum Magazine distinguishing her as a finalist in their 27th annual collegiate photography contest. This honor grants her publication in the Best of College Photography Annual 2007, as well as the chance to win $1,000 and a brand new digital camera.

Jutronic’s new venture: Tennis player, photographer, now also a clothier

“Faca” is the Croatian word for face, or in this case, a slang term for legend.

“When you see a friend and say hello, we usually say, ‘ejjj faca’. It is like a ‘What’s up?'” said Flagler senior Mario Jutronic, who was born in Croatia.

Faca is also the fresh brand name developed by Jutronic that he says breaks away from the ordinary and mass-produced. It targets the hip segment that is both art and fashion conscious.