Do you even lift, bro? Cancer Smash to raise money and awareness
Many work out to benefit themselves–but what if you could work out to benefit others?
Many work out to benefit themselves–but what if you could work out to benefit others?
Sell Art Not Humans, a silent auction where students, professors and local artists auction off artwork, seeks to raise money for the rehabilitation of human trafficking victims.
Caitlin Rodgers*, then a student at Christopher Newport University, felt comfortable around the man that her friend brought to their sorority formal that night. When she was locked out of her dorm room, she had no reason not to trust him.
By Mari Pothier |
Walking into the Alzheimer’s ward my eyes immediately began to fill up with tears. I tried to contain the drops that dripped from my eyes because I didn’t want to make my grandfather sad. Blinded by the tears I was holding back I struggled to see as we walked down the hall. But then I saw my grandmother wandering aimlessly towards us. She looked at my mother, grandfather and I but continued to walk past. It was then I lost control, she didn’t remember us anymore.