
New Leaf: What to eat that is not meat

By Lindy Almony |

I am here to answer the first question every carnivore asks when talking to a vegetarian. “No meat? Well then what do you eat?”

As a vegetarian, it is my responsibility to take proper care of my body and still provide it with all the nutrients needed. It took me years before I learned how to properly supplement my diet. Now that I have learned to do so, the answer to that question comes quite easy. I eat everything!

Setting it Straight: Feral Cats

“Setting it Straight” is a radio talk show on Flagler College Radio WFCF, 88.5 FM “Radio With a Reason.” Every week, Communication major, Kelly Gibbs brings St. Augustine locals in to discuss important issues.

The show is produced by Managing Editor of The Gargoyle Lauren Belcher. The show airs every Thursday morning at 8:30.

This episode Flagler Humane Society Director Jef Hale sat down with Kelly to talk about the domestic and feral cat problem in St. Augustine and around the world.

Basketball player’s hard work pays off

By Jaycob Ammerman |

After high school, Jared Hammock never thought the opportunity would arise to play college basketball.

Hammock, originally from Melbourne, Fla., played high school basketball at Covenant Christian. As a senior, he led the county in several statistical categories.

Flagler Model UN coming to fruition

By Kelly Gibbs |

Flagler students Patrick Ferguson and Natalia Andino, president and vice present of the Flagler Model UN, were all smiles when they sat down to discuss how excited they were about the club.

The Model UN Flagler team was given the okay to become an academic club on Monday, November 29 and is kicking it into high gear for next semester. Flagler Model UN, short for United Nations, is a team of students who go to conferences that are regional, national or international and debate how to solve theoretical global problems while acting as a specific country that they are assigned.

Swine flu update: nurses report great decrease in those effected locally and beyond

By Amber Jurgensen |

Flagler Health Services had their hands full last year dealing with case after case of swine flu but nurse Judy Angyalfly said things have settled down this year.

“I came on board in this position last year in September right in the middle of all the craziness so Holly was here all by herself prior to that, and she was really having a time trying to keep up with it,” Angyalfly said about her co-worker Holly Hagler, another registered nurse at Flagler College.

Scarlett O’Hara’s hosts Battle of The Bands competition in January

Isabella Pazmino|

This January, musicians who aspire to perform in front of an audience and show off their talent will be able to make their dream come true right here in St. Augustine.

The first battle of the bands, organized by Amy Hendrickson, will take place on Scarlett O’Hara’s.

Flagler student becomes pop singer

By Lawrence Griffin |

Flagler alum Paige Marie Garrity, 19, is living her childhood dream as a rising pop star, preparing to release her debut mix-tape next January.

“I knew from a very young age that performing was what I wanted to do…When my friends would come over, we would get all dressed up and put on shows at my parents’ dinner parties,” Garrity said. “I wasn’t a shy kid, I loved being the center of attention when it came to the ‘spotlight.’ I would choreograph routines to Britney Spears, N’Sync and Christina Aguilera and beg for my friends to perform them with me, even when they didn’t want to.”

Flagler SIFE kicking off containers project

By Kelly Gibbs |

Flagler’s Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE) will become one step closer to changing the lives of countless people on Wednesday of this week.

Throughout the month of December, starting Dec 1, SIFE will be trying to get as many votes as possible for their project to win a quarter of a million dollar grant through the Pepsi Refresh Challenge.

College had its highs and lows

By Christine Valentine |

I am graduating this December. After almost 20 years of homework and tests, it will all be over. Just like that. Just over four years in college and I will be walking away from campus for the last time on December 11, 2010. Honestly, I never imagined this day would actually come. Especially when you take into consideration what a terrible student I was as a college freshman. I mean, I was a good student. I didn’t talk in class and I paid attention, or at least pretended too. But, I never studied. I would come home and take a nap or waste time watching TV or playing Peggle.

Time to cut the rope on leashes for children

By J.P. Bouillerce |

Remember when the words “look both ways before crossing the street” was absolutely drilled into your head at around age 4? There would never be a car coming whenever you looked. But then there will be that one time when you saw the ice cream man across the street and you went into hyper mode and as you were about to run across the street a Ford F350 almost ends your still young life.