Stewart says confirmed case Cedar resident

By Matthew Boyle |

Video by Michael Newberger, Ian Foe and Matthew Boyle

Flagler has confirmed one student case of H1N1 (swine flu) on campus, a male resident of Cedar Hall, who remains in isolated quarantine.

Six additional students have been diagnosed with flu-like symptoms and are also in isolated quarantine, Dean of Student Services Dan Stewart said. The six other students have not been tested for H1N1, Stewart said.

Stewart said the student who tested positive went to an off campus health facility for testing.

Only four of the seven students reside on campus. Two female reside in Ponce Hall and one female resides in FEC, Stewart said. The other three students, according to Stewart, live off campus.

Assistant Dean of Academic Affairs Yvan Kelly said Flagler is giving the students exhibiting symptoms the choice to either go home or stay in quarantine, a measure he said aims to prevent an outbreak.

College security is delivering food, health packs and fluids to students in quarantine, Kelly said.

Kelly also said housekeeping is disinfecting common areas, handrails, doorknobs, elevator buttons and anything else frequently touched. Students are encouraged, Kelly said, to frequently wash hands and avoid close contact with anyone exhibiting flu-like symptoms.

Check back for updates.

Updated September 9, 2009 – 3:24 pm
Updated September 9, 2009 – 1:38 pm
Story originally published September 8, 2009 – 5:43 pm

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