
New Leaf: Vegetarian and vegan fast food options

By Lauren Belcher | cbelcher@flagler.edu

Once you make the decision to become vegetarian or vegan, you typically have to eliminate fast food from your diet. But, you don’t have to.

The fast-food chains are finally catching up to the times and providing more options. So whether you are a full-blown vegan, a softhearted vegetarian, a person who wants to reduce their meat intake or anything in between, you now have options. If the vegan or vegetarian lifestyle is not an option, you can at least reduce the amount of meat you consume.

New Leaf: Economize your printing

Lauren Belcher | CBelcher@flagler.edu


At Flagler College we get 500 pages per semester worth of printing in the library. Why not make the most out of your pages?

North American academics are among the highest paper wasters in the world, according to e-green tips from Tri-County Community College Library. “If academics in China used as much paper as we do in North America, the world’s rainforest supply would be depleted within a year.”

New Leaf: Save a store while you shop

By Lauren Belcher | CBelcher@flagler.edu


During the holidays, it’s no secret that people tend to spend more money.

Even us poor college kids find ourselves buying gifts for loved ones. This holiday, while you’re spending the money, think about where it’s going – or better, who it could be helping.

New Leaf: Community Supported Agriculture offers breath of fresh air

By Lauren Belcher | cbelcher@flagler.edu
Photo by Josh Weaver

PHOTO CAPTION: Jeff Baptist, local farmer, and Joanna Dembek (right) assist potential customers at the Old City Farmers market. Baptist grows organic produce with the help of his community supported agriculture program.

Jeff Baptist is a real farmer, and his farm, Spring Song Organic Farm, grows certified organic fruits and vegetables. He has a Community Supported Agriculture program.

Obama’s Prize tells world ‘War is Peace’

By Cal Colgan | JColgan@flagler.edu
Illustration by Hahau Yisrael

Last month, Barack Obama became the third U.S. president to receive the Nobel Peace Prize. The Norwegian Nobel Committee lauded Obama for his “extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples.”

But unlike the countless followers of the lunatic Glenn Beck who think our 44th president is turning our country into Stalinist Russia, there is a more rational argument to be made against Obama’s recent award.

New Leaf: ‘Green Drinks’ shakes, stirs eco-mindset

By Lauren Belcher | cbelcher@flagler.edu

Lifestyle Expert Rio Simone decided that St. Augustine needed to have a social outlet for “green” people to meet and talk about their lifestyles.

A self-described “lifestyle expert,” Simone advises people about issues like nutrition, fitness and stress management for optimum performance. She brought Green Drinks International, an environmental networking group, to Café Eleven on Tuesday.

Non-traditional student sweats out first day

Vietnam vet, full-time student Michael T. Isam fights nerves in return to school

By Michael T. Isam | gargoyle@flagler.edu
Photo by Matthew Boyle

Dark o’clock is a term pertaining to the hours between sundown and sunrise. As my eyes flew open milli-seconds after my alarm went off at 4 a.m., I recognized my old friend, dark o’clock. We meet regularly in the confines of my bedroom.

Peruvian clinic serves kids with disabilities

Selfless doctor gives life, dreams to unfortunate youth in Peru with Hogar clinic

By Caroline Young | cyoung1@flagler.edu

Four or five of the children were covered in third-degree burns. One boy was missing a leg. Some were in wheelchairs. One was missing his ears. An older girl stared off into space unable to see, but she was smiling. They all were. They were happy, dancing and singing children.

Let Flagler students’ voices be heard

By Cal Colgan | jcolgan@flagler.edu

Are you tired of seeing the same stories in your student newspaper month after month that you still don’t want to read?

Well, so are we. All of you information hounds at Flagler can rest easy because The Gargoyle is under new management. And we are determined to provide you with informative, educational and interesting news.

Tweet, tweet! Future’s here

By Matthew Boyle | mboyle@flagler.edu

The Gargoyle will undergo some major publication changes over this academic year as we’re shifting our focus to provide the best possible editorial content in the best way to the Flagler College and St. Augustine communities.

First, we’re diving headfirst into the online media world. We’ll publish much more frequently and in multiple formats.