Henry, a cartoon by Michael Salsbury
The psychology of a street preacher
I walked down the library steps to approach the now infamous Flagler College street preachers. My heart was filled with so many emotions. Intrigue. Curiosity. Disgust.
Up the education creek without a paddle
“Where are you going to go after this?” “Have you thought about graduate school?” “If so, where would you go and what would you study?”
No longer afraid to fall: Lessons in courage and determination
“Please don’t fall,” I thought to myself as I stepped onto the stage, following all the girls before me.
Henry, a cartoon by Michael Salsbury
Henry, a cartoon by Michael Salsbury
Henry, a cartoon by Michael Salsbury
Henry, a cartoon by Michael Salsbury
Seven things too embarrassing to ask about the government shutdown
It wasn’t just our government officials who weren’t on the same page. Countless American’s didn’t know what the government shut down was or what it even meant. In general, the media didn’t serve the populace well, pushing agendas on both sides. So I’ve come up with the seven questions you were too embarrassed to ask about the government shut down.