
Flagler and feminism

By Kristyn Pankiw | gargoyle@flagler.edu

Flagler College is moving in a new direction. In recent years, many liberal arts colleges have introduced women’s studies programs into their curriculum, and Flagler is finally catching up. This spring, a group of students, faculty and staff organized a series of events for Women’s History Month, and rumor has it the college may implement a women’s studies minor next year — a big and important step in the college’s history.

On the other side of the weight-loss bun

By Katy Stang | gargoyle@flagler.edu

I remember the day my mother came home furious, with my sister in tow. I had never seen her that mad, and after sending both my sister and me to our room, I found out why. My sister had been caught shoplifting. The manager at the supermarket had told my mom that if she had not been with my sister, she would have been arrested.

However, what piqued my interest was what she was caught trying to steal: ex-lax.

Com Week or stress week?

em>By Kathleen Quillian | gargoyle@flagler.edu

For an average communication student, “Com Week” can be seen as a blessing. It is an entire week where informative lectures about the real communication world take the place of boring note taking in regular classes.

The threat of being pedestrian

By Kelsey Boyle | gargoyle@flagler.edu

I experience the frustration of waiting for speeding vehicles to come to a stop for me in a designated pedestrian crosswalk on a weekly basis. It doesn’t matter if I have only a skateboard in my hand, or a bicycle on my left and my rabid pit-boxer mix leashed to the right. Certainly, I am not the only beachgoer who waits anxiously with arms full as cars hastily speed by on A1A in St. Augustine Beach.

Or any pedestrian crosswalk, for that matter.