
Persistence behind the puzzle

“Can you solve it?” That was the first thing everyone was saying to me when they saw me in Bailey Lounge playing with one of my newest twisty puzzles. A lot of people referred to it as a Rubik’s cube, but it was actually a 6x6x6, which means it was significantly larger than a standard Rubik’s cube.

College: Beginning of adulthood or end of our childhood?

When I walked onto Flagler Campus the first warm August afternoon I arrived here in St Augustine, I thought that graduation was the farthest possible thing in my future. All I had ahead of me were the friends and memories I would make to last a lifetime.

Why I dive: Reclaiming food’s value and joy

It’s hard to see the value in food when you walk past aisles and aisles of it. The overwhelming volume of boxed, canned and processed items strip food of its value. There is more than one reason that local farmer’s markets, community gardens, heirloom fruits and vegetables and seasonal foods have gained in popularity. Meeting your food in this way creates a connection. It adds value that is lost in the industrial, consumerist agricultural system.