
Wanting to be heard

By Roxie Steward | gargoyle@flagler.edu They kept thanking us. They kept thanking us for asking questions. At the beginning of the semester, a classmate and I decided to do a video about the Islamic Center on State Road 207 in St. Augustine, which happens to…

The Pink Tax: Not my bloody fault

By Katherine Hamilton | gargoyle@flagler.edu As Americans, we love sales, deals, and bargains. I have always chosen to partake in as much shopping as possible in order to stimulate economic growth; however, it wasn’t until recently  I realized women have been scammed into paying more…

The race to graduate is on

By Courtney Cox | gargoyle@flagler.edu As the spring semester quietly comes to a close, the massacre of frantic class scheduling begins. From the freshmen to the upper-classmen, the heightened stress of planning out our college careers never seems to let up. The fear of surpassing our…

The other side of body shaming

By Lena Crowe | gargoyle@flagler.edu Body shaming is such a prevalent topic in today’s society, but even in just the last year or so, the target of body shaming has shifted drastically. For the longest time, throughout Hollywood and society, body shaming has been aimed at those who are…

Finding a creative outlet in the gaming world

By Paris Huckaba | gargoyle@flagler.edu I never thought of myself as a creative person, always struggling with my imagination and fearing what other people may think of me. I’ve also always surrounded myself with friends who could create amazing art or have tons of super creative ideas….

Freshman year: The folly of ambition

By Katherine Hamilton | gargoyle@flagler.edu I’ve made a freshman mistake. One that only an overly ambitious student can make during their first year of college. So many opportunities were thrown my way. Instead of taking the road less traveled, I took both roads at the…

The college experience as a married student

By Roxanne Steward | gargoyle@flagler.edu I started out this article wanting to write about the idea of “the college experience.” I’m not sure what I thought I would find, but I assumed, wrongly so, that we all entered into college expecting a thriving social life. I…

Top 5 motivational study spots for the chronic procrastinator

By Katherine Hamilton | gargoyle@flagler.edu Few things measure up to the amount of dread that fills my entire being when I hear that I must spend my free-time studying. Annoyance, procrastination, anxiety: the cycle repeats rhythmically, drumming like Chinese water torture, driving me mad. When I…