
Guide carves niche out of telling 400 years of black history

By Cal Colgan | jcolgan@flagler.edu

Howard Lewis is frustrated that while the city of St. Augustine has started to recognize the importance of the civil rights movement in shaping the town’s history of race relations, most tour guides have left out 400 years of black influence in the nation’s “Oldest City.” He said they do not even acknowledge that Augustine of Hippo, the famous philosopher and theologian who is the town’s namesake, was an African.

“If you look up St. Augustine, you’ll see that he was born in Médéa, and the Internet will tell you that that is now Thagaste, Algeria,” Lewis said.

Boy plays Santa to Orlando Children’s Hospital

By Brittany Hall | gargoyle@flagler.edu

Dec. 20 is the day that 10-year-old Tyler Youtz has been looking forward to all year. While most fifth graders would consider a birthday or Christmas to be their favorite day of the year, Tyler would rather spend it at Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children, adorned with a Santa hat. As the yellow delivery truck slows to a stop outside of the hospital’s entrance, he steps out of the passenger door to greet dozens of doctors, nurses and volunteers that are ready to help him bring nearly 2,000 toys to young cancer patients.

Stripping the stereotypes: Local yogi divulges truth about the practice

By Caroline Young | gargoyle@flagler.edu
Photos by Evelyn Seiler
Photos contributed by Christopher Baxter

St. Augustine local Christopher Baxter turned to yoga in 1971 to take the pressure off his overwhelming college course load.

“I was really struggling to keep my head above water,” Baxter said.

Already drowning in academic classes, Baxter never actually attended a yoga class. He began with a home practice and taught himself from a book.

Forty years later, he said he has no idea what he would be without yoga now.

Former Flagler student talks about Marine life in Afghanistan

By Cal Colgan | jcolgan@flagler.edu

Last year, Zack Thomas Paull traded in his textbooks for camouflage and joined the United States Marine Corps.

After Paull’s unit, the Second Battalion, Ninth Marine Regiment [2/9], finished its training in Parris Island, S.C., the military brass shipped the unit off to Afghanistan. Paull has spent the past 6 months in Marjah, an agricultural district in the Helmand Province.

Flagler Model UN coming to fruition

By Kelly Gibbs | gargoyle@flagler.edu

Flagler students Patrick Ferguson and Natalia Andino, president and vice present of the Flagler Model UN, were all smiles when they sat down to discuss how excited they were about the club.

The Model UN Flagler team was given the okay to become an academic club on Monday, November 29 and is kicking it into high gear for next semester. Flagler Model UN, short for United Nations, is a team of students who go to conferences that are regional, national or international and debate how to solve theoretical global problems while acting as a specific country that they are assigned.

Students struggle with debt, cost of living

By Cal Colgan | jcolgan@flagler.edu
Photos by Cal Colgan

Sitting in his bare living room without a couch, Jay Bergstrom said he can’t afford things like furniture until he pays off Flagler College.

Bergstrom withdrew from Flagler during last semester after emotional issues made him decide it would be best to take a break from school and go back home to Michigan.

“When I withdrew, I worked out the student loans and everything and I found out I owe Flagler $1100,” he said.

The Balancing Act

Dealing with Stress in the Middle of College Chaos

By Caroline Young | cyoung1@flagler.edu
Photo by Ashley Muller

Sophomore PJ Mistry strives to relieve stress in the midst of her busy lifestyle.

She is a double major in business administration and accounting, as well as a project coordinator in Flagler College Students in Free Enterprise.

Mistry calls her priorities a “four tier balance” system, which includes her family, friends, school and herself.