Arts & Entertainment

Comic Ace performs at Flagler

By Ben McLeod |
Photo contributed by Adam Ace Entertainment

Comedian Adam Ace gives college students a chance to turn their brains off, laugh and get back to their schoolwork with a smile.

Ace tours the U.S. with stops at more than 400 colleges.

He said he tries to use comedy where students don’t have to think much. “I want them to be able to stop thinking about stresses from school and just turn their brains off and laugh,” Ace said.

Downtown gets spicy with Taco Shop

By Kaitlyn Teabo |
Photo by Maggie Strassel

A new Baja Mexican style taco shop opened on Saint George Street early September.

The Taco Shop’s owner, Nicolas Kimball, said he learned most of the recipes featured on the menu in fourth grade on “bring your mom to work day.” He grew up with food and wanted to have a place where others could share his love for tacos.

Kulture features local music

By Emily Hoover |

As the economic recession takes its toll on St. Augustine, the local music scene is bouncing back. On Friday, Sept. 11, local band Geny Pigs united with international guitarist Dixie Duncan for a concert at Kulture Hookah Lounge on West King Street.

MOVIE REVIEW: “Funny People”

By Emily Hoover |

It’s apparent that slapstick legend Adam Sandler has grown up. It’s ironic, however, that he enlists Seth Rogen and Jonah Hill, the quintessential heroes of today’s American farce, to help in his latest film. Funny People is funny, sure, but it’s also personal and melancholy.

MOVIE REVIEW: “Fast and Furious”

By Katy Bass | I made the mistake of letting my roommate pick out the movie for the evening. She had one thing – or should I say person – on her mind when deciding: Paul Walker. The new edition to the series did…

Vetiver: anthology of perfection

San Fransisco band Vetiver presents indie folk at its best

By Taylor Toothman |

I was recently introduced to the Vetiverse, and there’s no turning back. For those of you who don’t know, the Vetiverse encompasses the wildly wonderful San Fransisco indie folk band Vetiver and all its fans. Since their March 23 show at Café Eleven, I’ve attacked the group’s discography with a religious fervor, and, as it happens, I’ve discovered that every song in Vetiver’s collection is a pretty much a masterpiece. Overstatement? Maybe, but not by much.

Theatre Senior Conservatories on stage

Five Flagler theatre seniors showcase their directing skills

By Katy Bass |
Photo by Mary Elizabeth Fair

PHOTO CAPTION: Gabriel Jacobs-Kierstein leads a rehearsal for his conservatory show “I Didn’t Know You Could Cook.”

Every semester, senior theatre majors put on a series of shows known as the senior conservatory. Each picks their play, casts the shows, runs rehearsals, and plans the set design.

This year there will be five shows, and according to the seniors participating, all the shows are comedies, making for a fun night at the theater.

Busy spring at the St. Augustine Amphitheatre

By Gargoyle Staff |

The St. Augustine Amphitheatre is high gear this season, with free films, art festivals, farmers markets and several big-name artists scheduled to perform.

On April 10, Hall & Oates will take the stage, and a week later on April 17, Joe Cocker will play.
The Beach Boys will usher in the summer on April 24, followed by rock group 311 on April 30, Hall of Famer James Taylor on May 1, and indie rockers Kings of Leon on May 4.