Articles by Gargoyle

CD Review: MoZella

I Will

By Megan Dassuncao

Soulful, jazzy female singers are a rarity these days, but MoZella is definitely one that will catch a person’s attention. Her voice is smooth like Norah Jones and as soulful as Natasha Bedingfield. These days most females are not putting out music like this because it doesn’t sell as much as others. However, MoZella’s CD, I Will, will change your mind.

The opening track “You Wanted It” should be hitting the top of the charts.

Anywhere Other Than Home for the Holidays

By Ryan Brower

The end of the semester is finally upon us, and with that comes a whole month off from school. Finally getting home can allow us some time to catch up with old friends, to enjoy the holidays, to maybe make some money, to RELAX, and hopefully surf.

Many of us northeasterners are looking forward to some good surf at home, though it will be a bit chilly. And a lot of us are tired of the cold, hence why we are in Florida. Not really looking forward to the thought of a frigid surf session at home? More and more people are beginning to get out there and go somewhere other than home for the holidays.

Embracing our ‘wobbly bits’

As a self-described “curvy” woman, I felt more than a twinge of disgust, followed by a bit of vindication when a coworker sent me this story about a controversy surrounding the British take on “America’s Next Top Model.”

Apparently, this very nice looking model (top photo) was raked over the coals during the competition for having “stocky” legs. While the other model (bottom photo) was praised for her waifish (read: anorexic) figure.

This, in my opinion, is outrageous. Although, I can’t say I’m surprised.

The life of a coffee major

By Ashley Emert

In the past few weeks, I have noticed a significant change in my life: I have become quite the caffeine addict. I’ve always been a soda drinker, but now I have a new poison of choice, and that is the sweet nectar of the Starbucks gods – coffee. Preferably a café mocha, but since it’s the holiday season, I’ve been leaning more toward the much-revered peppermint mocha.

I blame this on my major. The stress and fast-paced journalism world is already wearing down on me and I’m only halfway through college. We joke in the Gargoyle lab about how com majors tend to have the sickest (as in “most twisted,” not “coolest”) sense of humor, but that it’s only to keep from crying and being depressed all the time about the terrible events in the world.

Addicted to the Internet?

Experts may begin classifying Internet addiction as a legitmate medical condition

By Dylan Thomas

E-mail, Facebook, MySpace, gaming, blogging, research, registering for classes, WebCT. Students use the Internet for many reasons. But Internet addiction is a growing problem for many.

Some Flagler students acknowledge that they spend much more time procrastinating on the Internet than they had intended.

Barenaked obsession

Despite the somewhat scandalous title of this blog, there is no actual nudity. I’m merely referencing my somewhat embarrassing obsession with the band Barenaked Ladies.

Yes, I’m a fan of a group of five middle-aged Canadian men who sing about wasabi and boxed macaroni (although not in the same song).

In fact, the title of my blog, “Sanity is Overrated,” is a reference to a BNL lyric – “I have loved and I have waited, been picked up and been sedated. Mental health is overrated.” So, needless to say, I’m a little obsessed.

Senior conservatories open Nov. 29

By Carmen Richter

It’s time once again for seniors with theater majors to strut their stuff—time for the senior conservatories.

Senior conservatories are like theses for theater students. Each student in the conservatory class selects a one-act play and is responsible for directing and producing it. In addition, each of the students takes responsibility for an additional aspect of the showcase, such as lighting or advertising. They are graded on every step of the process.

CD Review: Borat


By Megan Dassuncao

Soundtracks from movies can sometimes be not what a person expects them to be. The soundtrack to the “culturally eye opening” movie, Borat, is just what someone would want it to be.

The CD opens with the song “Chaje Shukarije” by Esma Redzepova, which is definitely not a usual American hit. The song has a strange gypsy feel to it with Greek influences. Most of the other songs on this CD are not like this, but all of them are culturally diverse.

Academic probation

Men’s Fitness survey places Flagler on list of colleges in need of fitness and nutrition reforms on campus

By Kimberly Hosey

A $250,000 weight room renovation not withstanding, a survey published in Men’s Fitness magazine put Flagler College on its “Academic Probation” list for fitness.

The survey asked questions about such things as fitness programs offered by the school, accessibility of gym hours, quality of the facilities and fast food on campus.

A Final Session with…

Jamie Wylam

By Ryan Brower

After running the surf club for two and a half years, Jamie Wylam will graduate this upcoming December with a degree in business administration and a minor in public relations and advertising. She helped the surf club and team gain more respect on and off campus by putting everything she had into each. She is currently working out a deal with Pit Surf Shop to help sponsor the club/team, which is soon to come.