Articles by Gargoyle

Making a Difference

By Devon Jeffreys

I’ve never thought of myself as someone that people can look up to. I’ve lead, but I’ve never considered myself a leader. This spring break things came into perspective and I think I’m ready for that to change.

While most students spent time at the beach or partying with their friends over spring break, I invited my dad down and we took off for Port St. Lucie to watch a little spring training baseball.

It wasn’t anything about the games that made me feel different, in fact as I snapped photos and hunted for David Wright’s elusive autograph, I felt more like a 12 year old again than anything else.

Hess and Burbelo double up on competition

By Jay Bonadio

In an otherwise unspectacular season for Saints women’s tennis, two doubles partners have shined on the court.

Allison Hess and Monica Burbelo are currently leading the team as a doubles partners with a record of 6-3. The two work well together as partners and are also very talented during solo matches.

Link finds fit back on Saints court

Assistant coach turns to Flagler basketball for support and comfort

By Michael O’ Donnell

Many people around the nation take the saying, “basketball is life,” to heart. But for men’s basketball Assistant Coach James Link, basketball has been more than just life — it has been his salvation.

Flagler tennis program looks to glory days

By Brian Vigna

Most Flagler students may not even be able to tell you if we have a football team. But we do have a very rich history of excellence in athletics.

Historically, one of Flagler’s strongest programs is our men’s and women’s tennis teams which have won several national titles. Less than a decade ago the tennis program was known as one the best in NAIA Florida Sun Conference. Today the tennis buzz on campus is smaller and fewer people attend matches.

Media experience less than Magic

By Brian Vigna

I have been a fan of basketball since I first remember being tossed the orange bouncy ball as a toddler. For most of my early life I even believed I would be one of those giants on TV battling for rebounds and shooting jump shots. By the age of 14 I knew just how unrealistic that dream was — the chances of being drafted in the NBA are slightly worse than winning the lottery.

Flagler’s SAAC looks to contribute locally

Student Athletic Advisory Committee sets goals for future of Saints athletes

Flagler’s Student Athletic Advisory Committee is looking forward to their second year on campus after getting everything in place in their first.

Saints set records at Daytona

By Devon Jeffreys

For years, women’s golf at Flagler has taken a backseat to other sports, but outgoing head coach Taylor Mott thinks that is about to change.

Marketing Music

Photo contributed
For the marketing of the upcoming album Year Zero, Nine Inch Nails created a series of Web sites and information using the album’s theme. Fans from the popular site The NIN Hotline, latched onto the flag emblem, “Art is Resistance,” and plastered the logo all over the country.

Big name bands look for new ways to sell their wares

By Bill Weedmark

With today’s fast-paced, digital-on-demand style of music delivery, musicians need to be able to stand out above the clutter to reach increasingly fractured audiences if they want to generate sales and prevent illegal downloads. The best way to do this is to do something unique and worthy of attention.

But when it comes to marketing a new album, some artists and bands seem content to trust their name alone to push copies out the door. Others go with the advice of their label and rely on the tried-but-true method of using print, radio and TV ads to get the word on the street.

Art and food become one at Zhanras

By Sterling Robinson

Zhanras is a unique eating experience based on exceptional gourmet appetizers, specialty drinks, local artwork and an incredible design and layout.

The menu consists of soups, dips and spreads, salads, bruchettas, pizzas, tapas and desserts. The kitchen staff is made up of only certified chefs, so the food was obviously the best I’ve ever had.