Young women’s basketball team eyes future as season closes

By Donna Styron |

This year the Flagler College women’s basketball team is mainly made up of the younger players. Out of the team’s 13 players, five are freshman and six are sophomores. Head Coach Erika Lang-Montgomery has been working with the young team and is happy for the opportunities her players have had this season.

“I feel like they are getting a lot of playing time, a lot of minutes on the floor,” Lang-Montgomery said. “I think that is going to help in their maturity and their development as players.”

The goal for next season is in sight for the team. According to Lang-Montgomery having a young team can be beneficial in the future.

Even though the team is coming to the close of the season with a 6-18 record, Lang-Montgomery is optimistic about next season.

“When we have had a tough season like we’ve had, you can either grow apart or grow together and I think they have been helping each other get through it,” she said. “I can tell it matters to them and they want to work on getting better together.”

With only two seniors graduating at the end of this year, the 11 remaining players will return next season with the advantage of already having played a full season together.

Lang-Montgomery knows there are many improvements her team must make to have a promising 2012 season. She said to enhance her player’s performance on the court, there must be changes both mentally and physically.

“We have to get quicker and faster, work on valuing the ball and making our passes a little sharper…” she said.

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