When “Red Met Yellow”

By Shannon Greene LeDuke gargoyle@flagler.edu

Screen shot 2013-02-08 at 12.42.12 PMWhen local businesses want eye-catching logos and colorful websites, alumna Megan Baugh and Meghan Daly figure out how to make it happen. The full service creative team, also known as Red Met Yellow, has journeyed around the country and back to make the dream they had while attending Flagler College into a reality.

“I watched Megan try to fit a surfboard into an elevator that was already carrying about 15 people,” Daly said about her meeting Baugh the first week of college.

“I wasn’t trying to hit anyone. I wouldn’t do that. Either way, we became friends during the first week of school and we’ve been best friends ever since,” Baugh said in response.

While growing up, both Baugh and Daly admitted to having a Gateway 2000’s in their home, with which they had unlimited play time on. The two credit those experiences as to why they ultimately wanted to become graphic designers.

“Microsoft paint was hugely popular at the time. I bet kids these days do dream of being designers, but for us, it started with loving art and drawing the old fashioned way,” said Baugh.

Long after their playtime with computers and shortly after their meeting at college, Baugh and Daly graduated from Flagler and went their separate ways.

“When I got my first PA job on the set of ‘Love Story’ by Taylor Swift. It was all like, ‘would you like fries with that.’ I was over it,” Baugh said.

While Baugh was working in Nashville,  Daly was interning in Tampa. The two talked everyday and eventually decided to reunite by way of Daly moving to Nashville.

Soon after Daly moved to Nashville the two decided to collaborate in a way that had less to do with friendship and more to do with business. Red Met Yellow was born.

“I’m so proud of where we are right now. The process though, of getting to this point has been good, bad and ugly. It’s been hard work,” Baugh said.

Red Met Yellow’s work includes photography, graphic design, website design and overall creative design of branding among other things.

“It grows all the time,” Daly said.

“We’re always trying to think of ways to get to the next level. It’s been a gradual thing – every year is more successful than the last,” Baugh said.

Through hard work and friendship Baugh and Daly have made their business into something that supports them and makes them happy, which is hopefully something every student will achieve after graduating college.

“We’ve had to work really hard to get to this point – it’s almost like I don’t realize how much work we’ve put into this until I look back at everything we’ve done in the past couple years,” Daly said.

So what advice do these design veterans have for Flagler students? “This is going to sound boring – but take a few business classes. You can be super talented, but at the end of the day, you have to be able to market yourself. And hey, kid, do what you love,” Baugh said.

For more information on Baugh, Daly or Red Met Yellow visit RedMetYellow.com.

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