Top ten ways you fail at being a morning person

By Cassie Stanley |

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10. Concerning your lack of energy:

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What you want to do: Bring up your energy with an early morning yoga session.

What you actually do: Consume a lot of coffee 5 minutes before class so you don’t fall asleep.



9. Concerning your obsession with Gilmore Girls:

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What you want to do: Go to bed at 10PM so that you will have plenty of time to get ready in the morning without being rushed.

What you actually do: Stay up until 2:30a.m. watching Gilmore Girls and sleep through your first class.



 8. Concerning your wardrobe: 

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What you want to do: Set out tomorrow’s outfit the night before.

What you actually do: Try to find something clean on the floor, or wear that same pair of sweatpants again.



7. Concerning your morning alarm:

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What you want to do: Wake up the first time your alarm goes off, feeling refreshed and ready for the day.

What you actually do: Hit snooze 4 times before getting out of bed and actually turning the alarm off.



6. Concerning your lack organizational skills:

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What you want to do: Get up and get organized for the day while drinking your morning cup of coffee.

What you actually do: Lay in bed for an extra 20 minutes wrapped in your covers like a burrito.



5. Concerning your class assignments: 

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What you want to do: Be fully prepared for the day because you’ve done all of your assignments.

What you actually do: 10 minutes before class you remember you have something due and rush to get it done.



4. Concerning your 8AM class.




What you want to do: Take a nap instead of going to your 8 a.m. class.

What you actually do: Take a nap during your 8 a.m. class.



3. Concerning the comfort of your bed:

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What you want to do: Get up early and go for a run.

What you actually do: Run from the bathroom back to your bed because your room is cold.




2. Concerning your appearance:

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What you want to do: Have plenty of time to get ready in the morning and look like a catalog model.

What you actually do: Oversleep. So you throw your hair up in a messy bun and call it high fashion.



1. Concerning your Netflix addiction: 

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What you want to do: Wake up early to do homework.

What you actually do: Wake up early to watch another episode of How I Met Your Mother on Netflix before class.




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