Theatre Senior Conservatories on stage

Five Flagler theatre seniors showcase their directing skills

By Katy Bass |
Photo by Mary Elizabeth Fair

PHOTO CAPTION: Gabriel Jacobs-Kierstein leads a rehearsal for his conservatory show “I Didn’t Know You Could Cook.”

Every semester, senior theatre majors put on a series of shows known as the senior conservatory. Each picks their play, casts the shows, runs rehearsals, and plans the set design.

This year there will be five shows, and according to the seniors participating, all the shows are comedies, making for a fun night at the theater.

Ben McLachlan’s play is “The Bear” by Anton Chekhov, which follows a widow who has shut herself inside her house, and the man who comes by to collect a debt from her deceased husband.

Emily Gilardi decided on Pat Cook’s “Pandora’s Revenge,” about a life insurance salesman who arrives at a woman’s home and is quickly caught up in a game of cat and mouse; however, no one is really sure who the cat is.

“I chose this piece because I want my audience to know that their actions will precipitate their future,” she said.

Cynthia Skelton’s show, “Approaching Lavendar” by Julie Beckett Crutcher, is set outside a monsignor’s office as two overly dramatic sisters await the finalization of their father’s fourth marriage.

“I Didn’t Know You Could Cook,” written by Rich Orloff, is the modern dramatic comedy Gabriel Jacobs-Kierstein chose to direct. “Acceptance and love is something that we as human beings are constantly seeking,” he said. “And this play is no different.”

Rachael McClure chose the existential comedy “Long and Far Away” by David Ives.

Everything they have learned over the course of their college career is being put to serious use in this last production. “It’s a six credit class for a reason,” Jacobs-Kierstein said.

After college they all have plans to pursue theatre — acting with a local theatre, a stage management career in New York, teaching high school theater, or just exploring the open world.
The shows will take place from April 16 to 18 at 7 p.m. in the Flagler College Auditorium. Tickets are $5 each night, or $1 per show.

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