The Faces of Feminism

By Gracie Stackhouse |


Alyssa Menard, 22

“I think feminism is a widely misunderstood issue. I think like any political debate there are those who are radical and those who are trying to implement real change and raise awareness. I think if you claim feminism for yourself, you should make it a point to help those around you understand so that the stereotypes and misinterpretations of what we’re fighting for will stop.”




Cassandra Dotson, 20

“Feminism means equality and respect. It allows people to go forth and conquer all that they wish to do. Feminism allows me to make choices for my future and myself without the consent of anyone but me.”



Bridget Schaaff, 21

“Feminism is more than white, more than straight, more than women, more than cisgender and more than western.”





Kelly Goddard, 21

“Feminism, to me, is not just fighting for the rights of women in our society, but fighting for equality between genders as there should be in present day society.”





Leah O’Shea, 22

“In a world that is so advanced in other areas, why is it so delayed in equality?”







Montana Samuels, 21

“At the core of the issue, feminism comes down to giving women equal rights as men, which seems elementary. I think feminism is another example of Americans and people around the world just not realizing how big of a discrepancy there really is between two groups of people. I think if people were to do a little research on women’s wages compared to men or any topic really, they would see that “wow, this may actually be something to look in to.”




Kathleen Quillian, 21

“I think feminism is important because in today’s society it needs a makeover. It has a stigma of angry lesbians burning bras-that simply is not true. Feminists can also be male, I know that is a huge surprise. Feminism starts with educating others on the importance of equal rights. As a society we need to get back to the basics, treating everyone as equals.“





Dr. Tracy Halcomb, 53

“I’m old enough to remember the original “Women’s Movement” in the 1970s and 80s…and am thrilled to report that women are finally being elected to the U.S. Congress in respectable numbers. But I fear we are still years and elections away from electing a woman as president. Maybe once we have a “Madame President” we will also have pay equity.”





Natalie Merante, 21

“To me, feminism is a complete necessity. I work harder than most of the men I know and I am still treated like I’m less, my worth is decided quite audibly by my appearance more so than my work ethic and people still seem surprised that I’m smart, too. I constantly find that I’m pushing myself beyond my limits because I’m trying to keep up with guys, or at least prove that I can do what they do. I won’t stop until I have the same rights and opportunities that are offered to men who don’t deserve them.”





Elise Crigar, 22

“I believe women should be strong and follow whatever dreams they have. They should never be told that they can’t do something because it is something that guys are “supposed” to do. They should be even more respected and considered beautiful for doing things outside the realm of what they “should do,” and for going for what they want.”





Heather Seidel, 21

“I always laugh when people tell me there’s already gender equality in America. When my male peers have a strong opinion they’re considered a leader. When I have a strong opinion I’m “bossy” or a “b***h”.”





Alex Karayiannis, 21

“I don’t think feminism should be boiled down to just the sex of a person, everyone deserves equality no matter what they look like, where they’re from or what demographic they’re in.”






Mari Zuccala, 21

“Being a feminist doesn’t mean I have to be a bra burning man-hater. I just want the same freedoms as everyone else.”






Gracie Stackhouse, 21

“The thing about feminists is that we are not at all what society makes us out to be. We are not all burning our bras, throwing away our razors, divorcing our husbands or generalizing all men as misogynistic pigs. The majority of us are simply fighting for equality that is so desperately needed in today’s society. When we make videos of ourselves being catcalled in the streets, or film the progression of domestic violence-induced injuries, or participate in marching for rape victims; we are not trying to intimidate or bash society into supporting our cause. We are trying to expose society’s flaws for everyone to see and acknowledge. We do not live in a gender-equalized world and we are far from reaching that point. Women are slut-shamed, rape victims are blamed for being attacked, female employees receive less pay than their male counterparts, girls are taught to carry pepper spray and keys between their fingers in preparation for being attacked at night and college students are told to watch their drinks constantly to ensure they are not drugged. The worst part is, society sees this as normal. What’s normal about preparing girls to be raped and attacked? This shouldn’t be the way we teach our daughters. If you believe that this is wrong, if you believe in women’s rights and equality, if you believe in justice for rape victims and if you are against slut shaming, then you are a feminist as well. We are feminists, we will fight and we will be heard.”

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