Taking a different view on colors

Marketing studies show colors have powerful psychological effects

By Haley M. Walker | gargoyle@flagler.edu

Although it is one of the most basic things learned in Kindergarten, colors may have more meaning and symbolism than previously thought.

The psychology, emotions and connotations behind color are at the center of a number of significant studies. Different colors have been found to be in correlation with our true thoughts, sentiments and character.

In response to the knowledge of this fact, marketers have begun studying the science behind colors and the ways they can reach the consumer through them.

I have found that I am amazed that something so small can have such major affects.

According to Arthur Asa Berger, author of the book Seeing is Believing, colors are extremely powerful and have the power to shape both our actions and behavior.

As an example, Berger states that black is usually associated with death and therefore is not used in certain places such as foods and hospitals.

In opposition, most people feel safe and pure when in the presence of the color white. As a result, white is used in many products to show goodness, naturalness and health.

Besides the extremes of black and white, colors throughout the entire spectrum have their own meanings as well.

According to an article titled “The Psychology of Colors in Advertising and Marketing” by Kurt Geer, blue is known for loyalty and productivity. Studies have shown that people are actually more productive in blue rooms.

Green suggests nature, tranquility and wealth. The color yellow suggests concentration, while brown stands to represent genuine qualities.

The color green in particular has recently become prominent among society today due to the new influx of environmental campaigns plaguing television shows, magazine ads and commercials.

There have been numerous slogans exclaiming “Go Green.” Using the basic psychology behind the color, advertisers have begun to successfully target people to become more environmentally aware.

Another recent advertising technique that has used color appeal was the Red campaign endorsed by a merger of different companies.

The Red campaign was used to raise money for AIDS in Africa, and consequently the color red had a very significant and powerful connotation of blood and power.

In addition to colors bringing an element of power to advertisers, I was floored to learn that color could have an actual affect upon mental and physical health.

According to an article by Paula Ford-Martin in The Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine, chromatherapy or color therapy originated in eastern regions, but has since made its way into Western culture.

According to Martin’s article, each color of the spectrum is associated with aiding a specific physical or mental ailment.

For example, the color green is said to help with balance, ulcers and bacterial infections. Red is used to help circulation, yellow is used for congestion and the lymphatic system, and blue is used to treat conditions such as jaundice and other liver diseases.

Many people feel very skeptical about how exactly just viewing a color could really have that much power. However, there seems to be substantial and serious research on how this can help.

There are a number of ways therapists and doctors administer color therapy to those in need of healing.
In some cases, people are surrounded by a specific color through clothing and interior decorating. However, there are much more mathematical or less conventional ways to gain the healing effects of these colors.

According to the article, a method known as the 49th Vibrational Technique, a formula involving the light properties of color, allows for a color to be assigned a specific musical note.

For example, the color red is synonymous with the note G and blue translates into the music note D. The music involving certain notes is played and the patient gains the benefits from it.

I have found this an incredibly encouraging procedure, and it is interesting to see different medical possibilities being released.

Through this research, I feel that noticing the value of color is noteworthy. It is important for us to know more about the elements outside that have such an effect upon or inner environment.

Being aware helps us to become more critical and knowledgeable consumers and participants of today.
Pablo Picasso, once said, “Colors, like features, follow emotions,” which ultimately has made them the subtle yet powerful elements that they are.

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