My week at the RNC
By Joshua Santos |
With the DNC under a spotlight, it’s easy to forget that just last week Tampa, FL hosted the safest national convention in the history of America.
By Joshua Santos |
With the DNC under a spotlight, it’s easy to forget that just last week Tampa, FL hosted the safest national convention in the history of America.
By Joshua Santos |
Photo by Joshua Santos
Editor’s Note: The Gargoyle’s Josh Santos is in Tampa covering the Republican National Convention.
Hundreds of protesters from all over the country gathered in Lykes Gaslight Park in Tampa’s downtown district Sunday afternoon. Many came in buses, others found out via Facebook and Twitter, and some just happened to be walking by on a cloudy Sunday afternoon. Yet the majority of the people agreed they were tired of working (in many cases multiple jobs) for little pay.
By Joshua Santos |
Photo by Joshua Santos
Editor’s Note: Josh Santos is in Tampa covering the Republican National Convention.
As the Republican National Convention gets set to begin this week, several political activist groups are also planning to making their voices heard, even with the threat of Tropical Storm Issac.
By Mari Pothier |
I still remember the day my mom and dad told me we were moving to Brooksville. I thought to myself, “Brooksville? Why Brooksville? There is nothing there.” After having lived in Tampa for five years the thought of moving to a rural community was a weird blend of nerves and curiosity. Everyone says that people who live in the “country” are nice folks who make an honest living and I thought, well, it should be nice living among the kind hearted country souls of Brooksville. At least that was what I was banking on, but of course I was wrong…very wrong.