FCTV News: Solar City
By Austin Sanchez | gargoyle@flagler.edu A small South Florida community has developed a blueprint for sustainable living. Babcock Ranch president and residents detail what makes the first solar powered city in America unique.
By Austin Sanchez | gargoyle@flagler.edu A small South Florida community has developed a blueprint for sustainable living. Babcock Ranch president and residents detail what makes the first solar powered city in America unique.
By Mallory Hopkins | gargoyle@flagler.edu Graphics by Heather Seidel What is it? Compost is decayed organic material that is used as fertilizer. To create it, people recycle their food scraps. It means less waste going into landfills. It’s more than a pile of…
By Heather Seidel | gargoyle@flagler.edu Andres and Renee, owners of Crave Food Truck, are determined to start a movement. Their mission? To supply sustainable, healthy and colorful and food to the St. Augustine community.
Flagler College and the city of St. Augustine are following in the sustainable footsteps of several other Florida schools and cities as the “Green Movement” takes hold in the Nation’s Oldest City.