President Abare to address students on ‘misreported’ data
In the wake of revelations about ‘misreported’ freshman data, President Abare is set to address student concerns on Feb. 18 at 5 p.m. in the Lewis Auditorium.
In the wake of revelations about ‘misreported’ freshman data, President Abare is set to address student concerns on Feb. 18 at 5 p.m. in the Lewis Auditorium.
By Marisa Strawn |
Photo by Marisa Strawn
The Flagler women’s soccer team celebrated the athletic careers of six seniors last week. Loren Cate, Amanda Slevin, Cristina Coca, Lindsay Zullo and Marisa Strawn partook in the celebration of the four years they spent committed to the women’s soccer team.
Through the four years these girls spent day in and day out practicing, traveling, and playing their hearts out, and many strong statistics came out of their careers.
By Donna Styron |
Seniors Adrienne Donelson and Tierra Ford, of the Flagler College women’s basketball team, finished their final season with satisfaction and aspirations for the future.
Donelson may be soft spoken but is not timid when it comes to the court. She is a player full of energy which was seen numerous times during her four year career with Flagler. As a starter for the team, she was a great asset in scoring and in rebounds.
By Nick Cardoso|
When playing with a group of people for so long, there is a time when a sports teams stops being a team and becomes a family. Senior women’s soccer midfielders Erin Buning and Caleigh Hodgkins can both relate.
Hodgkins has played on the women’s soccer team since she was a freshman but said that she was familiar with the team even before she began attending Flagler.
By Mari Pothier |
Now in their senior year, Flagler College volleyball players Meg Weathersby and Rebecca Royal have been together since the beginning.
Weathersby and Royal, who have formed a close bond, said they have been the only two in their class on the volleyball team since they were freshmen.