Mitt Romney
Vice President Joe Biden to visit St. Augustine
By Gargoyle Staff |
Vice President Joe Biden will speak in St. Augustine on Saturday, Oct. 20, less than three weeks before Election Day on Nov. 6.
Change or continuity? Forum speaker says election 2012 boils down to that
By Alexa Epitropoulos |
Ken Walsh, the chief White House Correspondent for the U.S. News and World Report, said the 2012 election will come down to one major decision: change or continuity.
My week at the RNC
By Joshua Santos |
With the DNC under a spotlight, it’s easy to forget that just last week Tampa, FL hosted the safest national convention in the history of America.
Let’s Do The Political Timewarp Again
We’re in a heated primary in this country for the presidential nomination.
We’ve got a candidate that is inevitably going to be the party’s candidate despite little support from his actual party. He’s a completely white bread candidate from Massachusetts, is incredibly loaded and comes off awkwardly at campaign events. His main competition appeals to the common man, is quick to bring up his blue-collar roots, and has a serious passion for sweaters.
Wait, when the hell did it become 2004 again?
True Life: I want to be President of The United States
By Michael Newberger |
It seems every subsequent election year, most people say to themselves “There’s no way that this could get any more ridiculous,” and I realize four years from now I’ll probably being saying this again as political ads become somehow personalized by our facebook interests. “Hi Bob! I see you you like the Pittsburgh Steelers! I’m Rick Santorum and I love em’ too! I also think that gays are bringing down the moral fiber of our country! Check out my link!”
But so far this Republican primary race has been a spectacle that is both supremely entertaining, while also hinting at the dystopian landscape that politics is starting to turn into.
Republican Primary starts getting interesting
By Frank Mahoney |
The Republican primary is heating up. The first major test will be the Iowa Caucus which will take place Feb. 6. Here all the candidates will get their first test of the election year. This includes Mitt Romney, Rick Perry, Ron Paul, Michele Bachmann, Herman Cain, Newt Gingrich, John Huntsman, and Rick Santorum. The question that is on everyone’s mind is who is looking like they can win?