jud damon

Lacrosse team introduced to Flagler students

By Matthew Pagels | gargoyle@flagler.edu

After years of students patiently waiting for Flagler to create a lacrosse team, the time has come. Flagler now offers an intercollegiate club team. They currently have a three-year plan to join the Men’s College Lacrosse Association.

Flagler College student Landon Clair, 20, was the first to show initiative in getting a lacrosse team together. He is now one of the captains of the club.

“The whole point of starting this club was so that we could just play lacrosse at Flagler and have some fun,” Clair said. “We all love playing, and we’re ultimately looking to start something that will last with the college.”

Saints accepted to Peach Belt Conference

Flagler’s athletic programs, coaches looking forward to challenges By Gian Louis Thompson | gthompson@flagler.edu The Saints finally have a home. The Peach Belt Conference accepted Flagler into its ranks this year and the Saints are looking forward to rivalry and championship possibilities that the conference…