health care reform

New health care bill is a victory for corporate power

By Cal Colgan |

Back when Liberal Democrats actually had spines, President Franklin D. Roosevelt made a proposal during his final State of the Union address for a “Second Bill of Rights.” Roosevelt thought the civil liberties guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution’s Bill of Rights could not by themselves give economic equality to the American people. He proposed an “economic bill of rights,” one of which was “(t)he right to adequate medical care and the opportunity to achieve and enjoy good health.”

Health care is not a right; it’s a service

By Tyler Grimes |
Photo by Phil Sunkel

We’ve all heard President Obama say he thinks health care should be a right for every American. I don’t think the government should be in the business of mandating the purchase of any good or service.

So what’s next? Will swimming pools, cars and house cleaners be “rights?” No, but like health insurance, they would improve our lives. If you cannot afford something, it is not the government’s responsibility to provide it.

Health Care 101: What you may not know about Health Care Reform

By Gargoyle Staff |
Photo Illustration by Gena Anderson

With the Health Care Reform circus going on in Washington, we decided to find what matters to Flagler College students and the greater St. Augustine community.

The Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 was passed by Congress and signed by the President. Like it or not, the bill will effect you and you need to know about it’s components.

We delved into the rumors and determined what’s true and what’s false. This is Health Care 101: What you may not know about Health Care Reform.

The Top 5 Things to Know About the Health Care Reform

By Lauren Belcher |
Graphic by Katie Davis

The number one thing that anyone – not just students – should know about the Health Care Reform bill is that it will affect them now, in September and then permanently in 2014.

Another important note: everyone will be affected differently. The bill affects a college student differently than an elderly man on Medicare or a sick child.

These are the top five things that an 18 to 26-year-old should know: