Bill looking to allow guns on campus getting push back from colleges
Incoming college freshmen in Florida may have a new item to add to their college checklist: A gun.
Incoming college freshmen in Florida may have a new item to add to their college checklist: A gun.
By Hannah Bleau |
I’ll never forget the chaos that erupted in my COM 251 class at the beginning of this semester. A girl walked in late and caused a huge scene, telling the teacher off and throwing a trashcan out the classroom door.
By Hannah Bleau |
As the American gun debate soars, many Americans are taking their fate into their own hands: Buying firearms fast.
The shockwave of the Aurora movie theater massacre and Sandy Hook school shooting has reached all the way to the White House, and the new debate about gun control is concerning many Americans.
By Michael Newberger |
Standing in line by the door was the ideal American family. The mom and dad were holding hands, the son was about 11 and talking to his little sister, and she was the kind of redhead girl commercials use to show how “wholesome” a product is. It was nice to see such a portrait of family togetherness in this day and age. Did I mention the cute little girl was holding a snub-nose revolver?