
Transformers One: Kids movie, or Political Metaphor?

By Logan Michael Kids’ movies are often written off as overly simplistic pieces of media that only serve to churn a profit. Considering the seemingly annual, overly saturated, over-advertised, and unbearably inescapable nature of the colorful kids’ movie trailer, I can’t exactly blame people for…

Flagler Focus: Film student Sina Eslami

For some students at Flagler, enjoying films means movie nights with friends in the Ringhaver Student Center, or the occasional full length feature at the Gamache-Kroger Theater, but for Sina Eslami, film is more than a pastime: it’s a passion.

Flagler Film Festival to showcase independent films

By Emily Hoover |

Gregory von Hausch, director of the Flagler Film Festival, said the goal of the festival, is drawn simply in the Fort Lauderdale Film Festival’s slogan: “Vacation from ordinary films.”

The four-day event begins on Sept. 30 and concludes on Oct. 3 and all of the films are shown on Flagler campus. It is a spin-off of the Fort Lauderdale festival and will continue on a three year cycle.