
Political guild exit polls SGA election

By Anthony Norwood | gargoyle@flagler.edu

In the recent Student Government Association election, the political guild at Flagler did entrance and exit polls as part of a project to watch the voting process as it was going on.

In their entrance polls, students were asked questions like “Who is the current SGA president?” and “Who will you be voting for?”

Correspondent brings prophesies to Flagler

By Lawrence Griffin | gargoyle@flagler.edu

White House correspondent for the Washington Examiner, Julie Mason came to Flagler to talk about the recent midterm election, saying that the polls were right for once – the Republicans “won big” and took the House of Representatives with a majority.

Mason’s catchphrase is “If politicians can’t be honest, they should at least be entertaining.” She said at her Flagler College forum on November 4, “Politicians are such wacky characters. They’re always so interesting.”