creative writing

Student pushes English department to consider Creative Writing major

By Tiffanie Reynolds |

Tori Warenik’s persistence paid off.

Warenik, a junior, pushed Flagler College’s English department to consider adding a Creative Writing major with the help of Dr. Jim Wilson, Dr. Tamara Wilson and more than 100 students. She said she’s been fighting for the new major for about a year, but other students and faculty, she said, have been trying since 1989.

Non-traditional student sweats out first day

Vietnam vet, full-time student Michael T. Isam fights nerves in return to school

By Michael T. Isam |
Photo by Matthew Boyle

Dark o’clock is a term pertaining to the hours between sundown and sunrise. As my eyes flew open milli-seconds after my alarm went off at 4 a.m., I recognized my old friend, dark o’clock. We meet regularly in the confines of my bedroom.