Overcoming ED
Flagler College student Brittany Asbacher publicly opens up about her extensive battle with anorexia nervosa, which spanned nearly seven years.
Flagler College student Brittany Asbacher publicly opens up about her extensive battle with anorexia nervosa, which spanned nearly seven years.
Growing up, I was never considered to be a “big” person. I stayed pretty average throughout high school, relying on moderate exercise and a teenaged metabolism that I didn’t appreciate until it was gone. But by my sophomore year of college, I was obese.
I remember the first time I called myself fat. I was 15 years old attending my first high school track meet. Thrown into the 400-meter sprint in brand new bun-hugging bikini bottoms, my thighs had been rubbing together for three hours.
Even in 2014, women are still facing the same battles that they’ve always fought–even with their own gender.
By Katy Stang | gargoyle@flagler.edu
I remember the day my mother came home furious, with my sister in tow. I had never seen her that mad, and after sending both my sister and me to our room, I found out why. My sister had been caught shoplifting. The manager at the supermarket had told my mom that if she had not been with my sister, she would have been arrested.
However, what piqued my interest was what she was caught trying to steal: ex-lax.