Students finalists in photography contest

By Kara Pound
Photo contributed
PHOTO CAPTION: The photo above is one of those submitted by Jennifer Lana to the College Photography contest

Students Jennifer Lana and Andy Luce are finalists in the 26th Annual College Photography Contest. The contest, sponsored by Photographer’s Forum and Nikon, received over 28,000 photographs from students in the U.S. and Canada. Lana and Luce are in the top five percent of entries.

Lana, a junior psychology major, submitted seven pictures to the contest. It cost $3 per entry and she heard about the contest from a flyer that was posted in the photography classroom. Lana initially wanted to major in photography, but chose to continue to do it as a hobby. She thinks that the new wave of digital photography is “accessible and easy” but prefers black and white film.

Luce, a junior graphic design major, submitted about five pictures to the contest and learned about the contest from the flyer and was prompted to enter to win the “cool” camera offered as a prize. Luce also finds digital an easy form.

“I’d rather be a print photographer if I was an artist, but if I was working as a designer and a client needed a photograph for a project, I’d probably just use a digital camera to photograph,” he said.

As finalists, the students earned places in Best of College Photography Annual 2006. Both students currently work as photography assistants and are excited to see which photos are published in June.

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