
Experiencing true bravery

By Carie Levy | My heart raced as I stood atop the tiny platform attached to a tree 60 feet in the air. I had a bungee chord on and I knew it would catch me and keep me safe. Despite this, however, freely…

Are the Oscars too white?

By Jared Talbot | For the second year in a row the annual Academy Awards had no African-American actors up for an Oscar, and this year it created an uproar. Each year a total of 20 possible actors can be up for an Oscar,…

Jacksonville native manages growth and development

By Shelby Gillis | St. Johns County has one of the strongest economies in Florida and continues to outpace the nation in unemployment and median household income. The unemployment rate is 3.5 percent, lower all of the state’s 67 counties except Monroe County, home…

Club asks “Who do you want to be?”

By Alanna O’Rourke | When it comes to helping young people, Stephanie Postell isn’t looking for some newfangled, unproven approach. “The thing that makes us different is that we haven’t tried to reinvent the wheel,” said Postell. “We’re perfecting the wheel. We’re perfecting it,…

Author warns of dangers of toxic chemicals

By Brianna Kurzynowski | The Toms River Chemical Plant was a source of pride in one New Jersey town until investigators discovered that toxic chemicals from the plant had likely caused a spike in childhood cancers. The plant had remained in operation for more…

Matt Clark: The last of a family legacy

By Wesley Wilcox | For Flagler basketball player Matt Clark, being the youngest hasn’t just been about living up to the expectations of a historic basketball family, but being able to put the final touches on a legacy. The Clark family has been one…

Setting the example: Point guard inspires team

By Alex Strom | DeAsha Campbell has a gift. That’s what her grandfather told her when she was child. She hasn’t forgotten it. “My grandfather believed that God gives gifts to everyone, and mine was to play ball, so I didn’t want to waste…