FCTV News: Solar City
By Austin Sanchez | gargoyle@flagler.edu A small South Florida community has developed a blueprint for sustainable living. Babcock Ranch president and residents detail what makes the first solar powered city in America unique.
By Austin Sanchez | gargoyle@flagler.edu A small South Florida community has developed a blueprint for sustainable living. Babcock Ranch president and residents detail what makes the first solar powered city in America unique.
By Dustin Fletcher | gargoyle@flagler.edu Welcome back Flagler College Jaguars fans. We are back after a long offseason. Football starts again on Sunday at 1 p.m. for all the Jaguars fans out there. New quarterback and former Super Bowl MVP Nick Foles will be taking on…
By Austin Sanchez | gargoyle@flagler.edu Over 200,000 Americans suffer from aphasia, a condition which makes communicating following a stroke extremely difficult. Aphasia awareness activist, Tom Broussard, explains the condition with the help of a currently affected family.
By Erin Brady | gargoyle@flagler.edu I have recently noticed a funny coincidence — in the two years the “It” film series has been released to the masses, Florida has been affected by two major hurricanes the week of each movie’s release. My review of “It Chapter…
By Rachel Gibson| gargoyle@flagler.edu Live music fills the air on weekend evenings in downtown St. Augustine, while locals and tourists litter St. George Street searching for the artist of the night. Kapowski, a local band, are the ones responsible for the standing room only at Colonial…
By Rachel Gibson | gargoyle@flagler.edu We all have that rhythm inside. The beat of our heart flowing down to the step in our feet and in every move we make. Dancing is all around us, and for some, it is held near and dear to…
By Makayla O’Connor | gargoyle@flagler.edu St. Augustine is a tourist town because of the lovely weather and beautiful beaches, but it’s the town’s job as a whole to keep the beaches clean for the marine life. According to seastewards.org, an estimated 14 billion pounds of…
By Rachel Gibson | gargoyle@flagler.edu Local tattoo artist, Jenna Boyter showcases her talent and friendly personality at Electric Chair in St. Augustine, Florida.“I have always loved tattoos ever since I first saw them as a kid,” Boyter said. “I love the idea of doing something…
By Kelly Magee | gargoyle@flagler.edu When it comes to finding a college that is LGBTQ+ friendly, it is not necessarily about receiving special treatment, but rather finding an institution that teaches acceptance and understanding of all people. With an increase in the LGBTQ+ population at…