Photo illustration by Charlotte Cudd
The use of date rape drugs is growing around the country. “It’s no longer the era where we can just go out and party,” said Valerie DeVille, sexual assault program coordinator for the Betty Griffin House. DeVille said she has seen an increase in the number of victims who say drugs were used to facilitate their rape.
Date rape drugs and how to know when they are being used on you
By Brittany Hackett |
Rohypnol, GHB and Ketamine, more commonly know as “date rape” drugs, have been urban legends in the past. Little pills that can cause huge consequences, often spoken of but almost never seen. Until now.
The use of date rape drugs is on the rise in St. Johns County, according to Valerie DeVille, the sexual assault program coordinator for the Betty Griffin House, and those who use them are smarter than ever.
Flagler College’s Student Services Office even sent out a mass e-mail to students last month warning of use of date rape drugs in the area and the need to be more vigilant when going out.