
Catching up on procrastination

By Brittany Hackett |

It’s no big secret that college students will procrastinate like it’s their job.

In my four years at Flagler, I have said, “I’ll do it later,” more times than can be counted, and I don’t think I’ve ever written a paper before the night before it was due (sorry to all my professors who thought I was a better student than that).

Some would say it’s apathy, others might call it laziness, but I argue there’s just too much else to do. My time cannot be wasted by being productive, that would just be too logical.

So, instead of working on assignments for class I’m going to help all of you out there be as un-productive as possible with my “Top Ten Ways to Procrastinate.” You know you’re psyched.

Joy riding in the back of a truck

By Jeffrey Mensch |

A mass e-mail was recently sent out to all students with a headline reading: “While it may seem an accepted practice here in Florida for passengers to ride in the bed of pickup trucks it is illegal.”

It turns out you can ride in the back of a pick-up as much as your heart desires.

There is no actual written law in Florida stating it is illegal.

Students efforts help fight AIDS in Africa

Photo by Emily DeLoach
Flagler College sophomores Laura Galioto and Mary Budd attended the first Keep a Child Alive College meeting which was held in New York City.

The Keep a Child Alive College division brings awareness to Flagler

By Emily DeLoach |

Flagler College sophomores Laura Galioto and Mary Budd have a passion for compassion, and it has led them to get involved in Keep a Child Alive College, which is fighting AIDS in Africa.

Galioto says that she came upon KCA when she saw a television special on AIDS in Africa. She went online to see what she could do to help and found KCA.

“I was feeling like my life is so hard, and I didn’t want to deal with the everyday stuff,” Galioto said. “I saw the KCA Web site and it opened my eyes to how hard other people’s lives are.”

Young voters hold election power

By Haley M. Walker |

In the poll of Flagler students, the war, the economy, and health care were the top three subjects of concern. Thirty-nine students of the 100 polled said the war was important to them, and 30 students said the economy is a point of interest as well.

Also, several students cited health care as being important. In addition to these three major topics, other issues brought up by students in the survey included gun control, the environment, same-sex marriage, foreign policy and immigration.

Realizing the power and concerns of the youth vote, several candidates in the current election have begun to steer their campaigns toward this demographic.

Opinion surveys now available to students

From Staff |

All Flagler College students will have the opportunity to express their opinions this month through two electronic surveys.

Both surveys will be sent to students during the month of February from

Seniors and freshmen will be surveyed with the National Survey of Student Engagement.

Men’s Club presents ‘Flags of Our Fathers’

By Taylor Toothman | Mu Epsilon Nu, Flagler’s Men’s Club, will be hosting a free classic movie showing in the Gamache Room in the Ringhaver Student Center on Wednesday, Feb. 13. The film, Clint Eastwood’s Oscar-nominated “Flags of Our Fathers,” will begin at 7:30…

Flagler Legacy hosts annual T-shirt contest

By Julie Hirshan | Flagler’s Legacy is now accepting entries for the Third Annual T-shirt Design Contest. Students, faculty, staff and alumni are eligible to enter until Feb. 15. A committee of faculty, staff and students will judge the entries. The top three entries…

A session with Mike Lawson

By Derek Westfield |

A sophomore member of Flagler’s Surf Team, Mike Lawson surfs with a style that has been refined by surfing across the world. This 20-year-old air specialist hails from Ocean City, Md., and has already traveled to premiere surf locations in Fiji, Hawaii, Puerto Rico, the British Virgin Islands and Mexico. He now looks to help Flagler’s Surf Team go to nationals this spring in Southern California.

Saints stressing defense

By Devon Jeffreys |

Flagler Men’s Basketball Coach Bo Clark knew his team would be able to put up points this season, but up until Saturday, he could see it was affecting his defense.

“I think we’re giving up too many points,” Clark said. “That’s one thing that I’ve really addressed with these guys, that is something we need to keep improving. If we don’t pick that up, it could be a long year.”

Clark’s Saints got the message and on Saturday they shut down NCAA Div. II Saint Leo of the Sunshine State Conference, 77-51. The Saints are now 3-2.