
Intramural basketball season coming soon

By Brian Vigna | The intramural football season is coming to an end which can mean only one thing, basketball is just around the corner. For some teams it is merely a good workout twice a week for the last month or so of…

CD Review: Nada Surf


By Taylor Toothman |

What do you mean you’ve never heard of Nada Surf? They were really “Popular” in the 90s, remember? Get it? “Popular?” They’ve been around since most of us were learning to read, taking their sweet time under the radar, honing their indie-pop rock craft into Lucky, the magnum opus fifth album they released in February.

Autrey trains like traditional athletes to beef up for surf season

By Ben McLeod |

Local surfboard shaper Josh Autrey proves that being a “jock” will help your surfing.

Many surfers here at Flagler College know Autrey because he is one of the most powerful surfers in Florida, and shapes his own surfboards. However, many surfers do not know that Autrey is your typical “jock.” Autrey believes that working out, playing sports and drinking protein shakes will make anyone a more powerful surfer.

Anyone who has seen Autrey surf knows that he treats a wave like a heavyweight boxer treats his opponent’s face. Autrey maintains an everyday schedule which includes weightlifting, running and an aggressive surf session.

A session with Brooks Bailey

By Ben McLeod | If you do not know Brooks, get to know him. Not only is he one of the loudest guys I know, he is also a great surfer and an awesome basketball player. Brooks consistently makes half-court shots and can even…

Sculpting clay can mold a life

Photo by Emily DeLoach
“The students are always so happy to be here,” said Fernando Arango, director of the Florida School for the Deaf and Blind Department Art Club. “This is a blessing in disguise. Working with these kids makes you value what you have.”

Students at FSDB learn about the art of pottery with a little guidance

By Alicia Nierenstein |

When you think of cold, wet clay, do you think of it being used for therapeutic purposes?

According to Fernando Arango, director of the Florida School for the Deaf and Blind Department Art Club, this is just one of the advantages of the pottery class that he teaches at the school.

Arango, who has worked with the club for two years, holds the class for the school’s blind students every Tuesday afternoon from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m.

“It is like therapy for the students because it helps with coordination,” Arango said. “Since they cannot see, they have good perception of dimension and they are good at sculpting.”

Local band rocks St. Augustine

By Owain Johnston-Barnes | Flagler student and musician Zac Jaggers wants to change the world with his music, but for now he’s happy just having people hear him play. Jaggers and fellow musician Ian Jones make up the band Clown Car Commute, and they…

Movie Review: ‘The Other Boleyn Girl’

By Marella Flynn |

I was hesitant to read the novel by Philippa Gregory because of the historical background, but I was literally blown away by the 672-page monstrosity.

It resembled somewhat of a personal journal illustrating all of the scandalous affairs the two young Boleyn sisters, Anne and Mary, had with King Henry VIII of England.

The movie itself was exquisite. It’s not just another historically based movie. Although it was a loose translation of the novel, the essential elements of the exchange of sex for power and wealth strongly resonate throughout.

Illnesses travel fast on campus

Flu symptoms, viral outbreaks increase this year, says Baringer

By Jennifer Swift |

Freshman Kerri Paulsen has been ill twice this semester.

“When my roommates get sick, I know it’s only a matter of time before I get sick,” she said. “It stinks. I am too sick to go to class, and when I do go to class, I’m too sick to pay attention.”

The Office of Academic Affairs reported an increase this semester in illness-related class cancelations and student absences.

Students have shown some symptoms of the flu, but most appear to have milder infections, according to Dr. Dudley Baringer, the on-campus doctor at Flagler College.

Flagler Alpha Chi chapter inducts 36 members

By Jennifer Swift | The Florida Beta Chapter of Alpha Chi inducted 36 students on March 6. According to Connie St. Clair-Andrews, the faculty co-sponsor, the purpose of the coeducational society is to “promote academic excellence and exemplary character among college and university students…

Beauty is only skin deep

Beauty pageant contestants endure huge challenges with every contest

By Mary Elizabeth Fair |

In February of 2006, I chose to participate in a preliminary pageant for Miss Mississippi.
I had taken part in pageants before but this particular pageant took more of my time and effort than all the others.

My reasons for choosing to participate were partially influenced by the scholarship money which was being offered, but I was mainly motivated by the fact that I wanted to challenge myself.