
The Honeymooners

First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes the Peace Corps and some dysentery? For two Flagler College seniors, that’s the plan

By Jennifer Swift |

Flagler College senior Rachel Manring has never left the United States, yet this summer she and her husband, senior Tristan Estes, will depart to Africa for two years as Peace Corps volunteers.

Inspired to see the world, the two decided joining the Peace Corps would be a good start. Manring has wanted to join the Peace Corps since a speaker for the program visited Flagler her sophomore year.

Students win at FPRA competition

From Staff |

Flagler College students Jessica Echterling and Bailey Toombs swept the student category at the Jacksonville-area chapter of the Florida Public Relations Association’s 2008 Image Awards.

The Image Awards recognize outstanding local public relations programs and promote the development of professionalism. The student category accepts entries from any college or university in the Northeast Florida area; Echterling and Toombs received the only two student honors at the April 3 awards – the Image Award and the Judges’ Award – for their 5K for United Way campaign.

Living in the public eye by choice

By Haley M. Walker |

At one point our lives behind closed doors, were just that: behind closed doors, where no one could see what our favorite television show was or an embarrassing ritual that we had to perform before going to bed.

However, all that has changed, and we have become a society of intrigued watchdogs. Through increased communication technology, we have learned to not only closely watch the lives of others, but to record the detailed lives of ourselves as well.

Why is it that we have become so consumed with making information that was once so personal so incredibly public?

Broken bones, fake teeth and flag football

By Eli Nuzzi |

Conversations are interesting to trace, as some psychology students might understand. I think it’s fun to trace a conversation backwards. Starting of course with the end and piecing it back together to see how it was related to the original topic.

I’m not much of a talker, because I love to listen, but whenever I feel compelled to tell a story, I will. I don’t know if it’s just me, but when I start talking about a random topic, it sometimes ends up with an injury story, or sharing other injury stories about people I know.

With 400 graduates, could the largest class force a

By Danielle Marsh & Haley M. Walker |

Flagler College senior Julie Harvey, said she is disappointed she cannot share the moment that she will walk across the stage to receive her college degree with her entire family.

“I mean wouldn’t you want all the people who have loved and supported you through your career as a student to see you succeed?” Harvey said.

She said she is disappointed and upset about the lack of graduation tickets given out for this upcoming spring graduation, which is including around 400 graduates.

Harvey said that she feels there must be a better solution to this problem. She said she would like to see the graduation be held at a different location so that everyone can enjoy the celebration together.

“It’s silly attempting to fit everyone into a small venue, particularly when this graduating class is one of the larger classes to pass through Flagler,” Harvey said. “The most obvious solution would be to hold the ceremony somewhere else that would be more conducive, and definitely more comfortable, for the amount of people that are anticipated.”

Students offer money-saving tips on local TV

From Staff |

As gas prices soar and the U.S. dollar drops in value, Flagler College students are developing money-saving solutions for everyday situations — and they’re partnering with First Coast News consumer advocate Ken Amaro to share their tips with the public.

The students call themselves “Amaro’s Army.” Their mission: to help Amaro in his battle to save viewers money by producing videos, blogs and other resources for the First Coast News Web site.

New Indie Film club in the works

By Kyle Myers-Haugh |

The establishment of an independent film club rests on the shoulders of an eclectic group of five students.

The Independent Film Society hopes to be Flagler College’s first club devoted entirely to the screening of independent and foreign films. Flagler freshman and IFS founder, Dane Hutchinson, as well as four others, came up with the idea.

Reaching out with ‘Bridges to Sudan’

Flagler College Professor Tina Jaeckle seeks to help Sudanese refugees with organization

By Mary Elizabeth Fair |

Throughout our lives we are given many opportunities. Opportunities to progress in our careers, to make new friends, start new lives and become the people that we want to be.

Most of us come from a country that allows us to do all of these things freely, a country of endless opportunity. Sometimes these blessings of opportunity blind us from the world around us that isn’t as free or optimistic.