
Local schools find good and bad in FCATs

By Matthew Boyle |

Ketterlinus Elementary School first-grade teacher Pam Hubler thinks the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test is outdated and unfair.
“Some kids are horrible test-takers,” she said. “They [the Florida Department of Education] base too much on the [FCAT] test.”

The Florida DOE rates schools and county school systems on a letter grade system ranging from A, the highest scores, to F, a school or system that needs significant improvement. Each school is also broken down into subgroups by race, income and students who speak English as a second language.

Six long years…

By Lauren Belcher |

People still ask me to this day, “How did you not know?”

Well, denial is a peculiar feeling. I would know; I experienced it from age 11 to 17 years old. For six long years, I ignored what was happening to my body and tried to continue my life as normal as possible.

Professional soccer coming to Flagler

By Matthew Osterhouse | Flagler College is hosting some of the best teams, players and coaches in women’s soccer. The Atlanta Beat, an expansion team in Women’s Professional Soccer, will play the U.S. Under-20 Women’s National Team on March 19 at 7 p.m. The…

Church provides free rides home from Hattie’s

By Erin Miller |

Steve Meehan, Flagler College junior and college ministry intern at Good News Church, goes to Panama Hattie’s every Thursday night to drive people home.

Meehan and Andy Hirko, College Director at Good News, began taking the church van to Hattie’s, a popular drinking spot for locals and college students. They go from 10 p.m. to 2 a.m. on Thursday, commonly referred to as “Sink or Swim” night.

Two students weigh in on FRAG cuts

By Mari Pothier |

Jillian McClure knows the true value of the Florida Resident Access Grant.

Two juniors, McClure and Carla Valor, working through Independent Colleges and Universities of Florida, were chosen to be the Presidential Fellows representing Flagler College.

Movie review: Alice in Wonderland

By Liliana Cerquozzi |

The movie that everyone has been waiting for finally arrived March 5th at midnight.

Expectations were pretty high for Tim Burton’s “Alice in Wonderland” to match former adaptations of the book by Lewis Carroll. Some say they were disappointed, but it was love at first sight for me.

Human rights advocate club

By Joseph Metz |

It’s time to stop talking and start doing.

That’s the basic message of the Human Rights Advocates of Flagler College, a new club that Flagler College has to offer. The club hopes to be able to promote human rights awareness around our campus and community.