
The One You Love

By Lauren Belcher |
Photo by Lauren Belcher

I missed my best friend’s birthday.

Not because I wasn’t close enough to attend; I’m right down the street. I’m still not sure why I chose to miss her birthday. All I know is: I woke up that morning and decided I couldn’t be there and I needed to spend time alone.

To anyone who knows me, that sounds like a joke. I hate being alone. In fact, I do everything in my power to avoid it (read my earlier piece if you don’t believe me.)

SIFE Blog: Summer Project Update

By Victoria Van Arnam | Shelia Acharya working with a Nepalese woman in a language lab. This month Flagler SIFE has been busy working on the Suruwat Refugee program and Containers for a Cause. Sheila and Barry finished the script for the second Suruwat…

SIFE Blog: TEDx Creative Coast

By Victoria Van Arnam | Counter Clockwise, Victoria Van Arnam, and Renée Chiaverini pose with the Loci Design interns Walter Woods and Clayton Dodd in front of the TEDx sign. On Friday, Flagler SIFE and Loci Design exhibited at the TEDx sponsored by Creative…

SIFE Blog: Containers for a Cause Update

By Renée Chiaverini | Photo of Joe King opening our container Our Containers for a Cause project is moving along rapidly. We already have a container, which will be transformed into our first home shortly in the St. Augustine Record’s front yard. We are…

SIFE Blog: Coming Home

By Victoria Van Arnam | After watching the final four, Flagler SIFE had a wonderful post competition dinner. As we were leaving the restaurant, we ran into the team from Belmont, the newly christened national champions. Their presentation was incredible and they truly deserve…

Finding the Meadow

By Lauren Belcher |

Less than a year ago, I went on a journey.

It was five days of intense therapy called Hero’s Journey.

I was told to have someone drop me off at a hotel that was about 15 minutes away from my home in West Palm Beach. Pack five days worth of clothing and leave all electronics at home. No cell phone, no laptop. These days were to be spent with no distractions so you can only spend time with you and your thoughts.

Given, Taken by God

By Lauren Belcher |

Webster’s dictionary defines a void as: not occupied; vacant; not inhabited; deserted; containing nothing. That sounds about right.

I define a void as: sadness; depression; loneliness; fear; defeat.

For as long as I can remember, I have tried to fill the void. I’m always trying to keep myself distracted so I won’t feel like I’m alone.

SIFE Blog: 8:00AM

By Victoria Van Arnam | We’re so proud of our team! We did the best we could at 8am for the top 20 semi-finals presentation this morning. We find out in an hour if we make the top 4!!! Immediately following the announcements of…

SIFE Blog: Rally of Champs

By Victoria Van Arnam | The Rally of Champions was incredible! The entire team got to run up onto the stage, wave the American flag and show our Flagler pride. We watched as the trophy that once decorated our student center was once again…

SIFE Blog: Enjoying Minneapolis

By Victoria Van Arnam | Last night we had a spectacular dinner with the President of Winmark Corporation, the head of Winmark’s Training Department, and the Play It Again Sports Training head. The presentation team had a wonderful time getting to explore some of…