
SIFE Blog: Rally of Champs

By Victoria Van Arnam | The Rally of Champions was incredible! The entire team got to run up onto the stage, wave the American flag and show our Flagler pride. We watched as the trophy that once decorated our student center was once again…

SIFE Blog: Enjoying Minneapolis

By Victoria Van Arnam | Last night we had a spectacular dinner with the President of Winmark Corporation, the head of Winmark’s Training Department, and the Play It Again Sports Training head. The presentation team had a wonderful time getting to explore some of…

SIFE Blog: En Route

By Victoria Van Arnam | Got up at 3:30, to go to Jacksonville for our flight. We are now on the plane to Minneapolis! Everyone is ready to do their best (after a little nap)! More later. Photo of Mike Lambert, Courtesy of Joe…

Dad, Baseball and Me

By Ant Perrucci | When my sister and I were little, our parents were both working, and had their work schedules arranged so that they traded off on who was working late and who was watching us at home.

Video game addiction not only for boys anymore

By Jessica Fashant | The sunlight could barely reach beyond the heavy curtains Lauren Hinkley pulled closed in the living room. It was a beautiful day, but she wouldn’t be going outside anytime soon, or even looking out the window. Rarely did she even…

Raw food is healthy, delicious, expensive

By Chrissy Makris | “This is insane,” I thought, as I stared blankly at $170 of fruit, vegetables, nuts and hemp milk sprawled across my kitchen counter. I didn’t even know you could make milk from hemp. And really, what was I going to…

New revisions causes stir among Autism, Asperger’s community

The American Psychiatric Association proposed a controversial change in February to its manual that would make Asperger’s syndrome part of autism spectrum disorders rather than a separate diagnosis. In the current edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, which helps health professionals identify conditions, it is not listed under autism.

Unemployed can find daily jobs, charity money

by Jill Houser |

Several St. Johns County residents have traded in their suits and ties for ankle high work boots, hoping to get a job.

“It’s really sad,” Julie Tucker, customer service representative at Labor Ready in St. Augustine, said. “These aren’t homeless men. These are men who lost their jobs as actual business owners.”