
Flagler student bit by shark

Flagler sophomore Kelsey Hammell was paddling out for an afternoon surf by the pier on Saturday, Sept. 18. It was around 2:30 in the afternoon on 4th street when Kelse found herself in a scary situation.

“I was surfing in the outside break. I was pretty far out and it was in between sets,” Hammell said. “It got really calm for a little bit and I could see there was something under the water circling around. I couldn’t see it, but I could feel it.”

Aviles Street Revitalization

By Amanda Newberg |

Aviles Street in historic downtown St. Augustine is considered the oldest street in the nation. For the past few months, the street has been closed to vehicle traffic as construction workers resurfaced the road and made room for a sidewalk as part of a revitalization project approved by the city commission.

Plans for the resurfacing and revitalization project began late last year. Because Aviles Street dates back so far, it is considered an archeological zone. St. Augustine’s Archeological Preservation Ordinance requires that all construction covering more than 100 square feet or in an archeological zone must first undergo an archeological dig to ensure that nothing historical will be disturbed.