
Doc says fad diets may be more harmful than healthy

By Caroline Young |
Image by Victoria Van Arnam
Photos by Jonathan Hermes

Flagler senior Christina Arzapalo lost 40 pounds within three months of being on a fad diet. Only one thing went wrong – her hair was falling out.

“Everything was great at first,” Arzapalo said. “The basic diet is a lot of eggs, nuts and lean proteins like turkey…you can’t have any caffeine or juice or fruit for the first two weeks and that was the hardest.”

City archaeologist gives internship opportunities for archaeology students

By Isabella Pazmino |

Students at Flagler walk the grounds of a city that holds unlimited historical events and archaeological sites, and yet, their participation to uncover history in St. Augustine is less than expected.

Sarah Bennett, an intern at Florida Public Archaeology Network feels Flagler students, particularly students majoring in archaeology, are unaware of all the opportunities this city offers archaeologically and historically.

Senior basketball player enjoys summer in Germany

By Mari Pothier |

John Pietkiewicz had never been out of the country until last summer, when he went overseas to play basketball and spread his faith.

Pietkiewicz was a part of a program called News Release Basketball whose purpose is to spread the word of God in European countries through the sport of basketball. According to the program’s website, it was formed in 1972 by a group of young men who wanted to share their faith with people in Europe.

Students struggle with debt, cost of living

By Cal Colgan |
Photos by Cal Colgan

Sitting in his bare living room without a couch, Jay Bergstrom said he can’t afford things like furniture until he pays off Flagler College.

Bergstrom withdrew from Flagler during last semester after emotional issues made him decide it would be best to take a break from school and go back home to Michigan.

“When I withdrew, I worked out the student loans and everything and I found out I owe Flagler $1100,” he said.

Vegetarian Awareness Month

By Lindy Almony | LB

October is Vegetarian Awareness Month.

Last semester I took a class, Contemporary Social Problems, with Professor Jordan Brown. For our final project, we were to become claims makers for a cause that we saw as a social problem.

The social problem I explored was the effects of animal agriculture on our environment, our health and our farm animals.

Ran out by rats

By Gena Anderson |
Illustration by Megan Kovak

Did something just move? No. There’s no way.

Do I turn on the light or do I just crawl into bed in the darkness? I should turn on the light. There’s nothing in my room.

Local musician maintains strong fanbase

by Emily Hoover | Photos By Phillip C. Sunkel For Charlie Brown, Lincolnville local and full time musician, music serves as both a physical and mental outlet. “Music helps you with your mind,” he said, smiling. “Music is everything, it’s all around us. It…

Word for Word

Contributed by Ryan Camuto |

I once had a friend, he was like an open book.
A musical score if I may
but he was blank,
a page without a single mark.
Clean, crisp, craving my ramblings with such reception.
It was in him I confided every ounce of my mind,
after such a moment he would just look,
and my open book friend knew
exactly what I meant.