
Men’s cross country team beating all expectations

By Mari Pothier |
Photos by Phillip C. Sunkel }

With hard work, determination and team chemistry, Michael Lambert and Alex Bonus said the men’s cross country team keeps exceeding their goals.

After the success of their last meet, they are now the fastest team on record in school history, head coach Dave Williams said. The team finished in third place at the Florida Southern Invitational with Lambert placing ninth and Bonus placing 13th.

The redhead got away

She asked me if I understood the problem. I told her no, I don’t understand. My eyes locked on hers and my heart wavering, I continued to lie.

Smokers: This is your warning

By Victoria Hardina |

I am not an aggressive person. I rarely raise my voice, and when I do, it is usually out of excitement, not anger. There is one thing that will light me on fire, though … smokers.

With the music blaring and windows down, I was speeding along I-4 last Sunday afternoon. I was in very high spirits after spending the weekend with my family. Weaving through traffic, my eye caught a blue minivan.


By Phillip C. Sunkel IV |

Fingers fumbled with agitated arrangements of large white befuddlement flail to fix the frame
A slight sly touch succumbing to the moving picture of the motion picture of our perfectly pictured life
But picture the fixture that attaches to the slightest sight of this motion picture life