
Breaking Down Stigmas Around Addiction

By Kaia Wright  For so long, my brother didn’t want to accept care because of stigmas.  Being from a small town in Florida, it’s hard to have any kind of moral failing without everyone dissecting your every flaw. Because of my brother’s issue with substance…

Invasion of the Litterbugs

By Zoe Sherman There is a not-so-new invasive species crawling the streets of St. Augustine, slowly deteriorating the city’s beauty: litterbugs. Florida is the nation’s third-highest generator of plastic waste. The state produces more plastic waste than the current recycling system can process, according to…

Transformers One: Kids movie, or Political Metaphor?

By Logan Michael Kids’ movies are often written off as overly simplistic pieces of media that only serve to churn a profit. Considering the seemingly annual, overly saturated, over-advertised, and unbearably inescapable nature of the colorful kids’ movie trailer, I can’t exactly blame people for…