
Head athletic trainer fulfills her dream job

By Lauren Ely | Photo by Lauren Ely Jennifer Rinnert wakes up every morning and gets to go to the job she has wanted since she was in high school. Rinnert, head athletic trainer at Flagler College, knew she wanted to become an athletic…

Feeling the heat with Bikram yoga

By Lauren DeGeorge |

As I walk into the room, or the “torture chamber” as some refer to it, the heat immediately envelops me. I search for an open spot among the other people. I need to face myself in the mirror. Class begins. It is 105 degrees. The sweating starts. In just one posture I am perspiring. More than in any other work-out. After the “standing series” I am out of breath. I have barely any energy left. But on it goes. For 90 minutes. When the teacher calls an end to it, I am tired, smelly and sweaty. I wished it wasn’t over.

Stetson Kennedy: A celebration of a legend

By Michael Isam | Photo by Michael Isam The word “legend” comes to mind when the name Stetson Kennedy enters into a conversation. A legend can be a star, a celebrity or even a fable. To the 100-plus who attended the celebration of Kennedy’s…

Facing depression in college

By Gena Anderson |

Depression. The word itself has this impenetrable weight to it. Depression is something that happens to you, but we don’t look at it that way do we?

Depressed. We see it as an adjective. Mary Lou doesn’t “have depression;” she “is depressed.” By seeing it that way we remove the right of the afflicted to be afflicted, at least– I always did.

Three doses of HPV vaccine not necessary for cancer prevention, study says

By Amber James |

There has been much controversy throughout the years surrounding Gardisil and Cervarix, two FDA approved vaccines that help prevent cervical cancer.

Most recently, Republican presidential hopeful, Michele Bachmann, claimed the humanpaillomavirus (HPV) vaccine can cause mental retardation after meeting a mother who said it caused mental retardation in her daughter.