
Republican Primary starts getting interesting

By Frank Mahoney |

The Republican primary is heating up. The first major test will be the Iowa Caucus which will take place Feb. 6. Here all the candidates will get their first test of the election year. This includes Mitt Romney, Rick Perry, Ron Paul, Michele Bachmann, Herman Cain, Newt Gingrich, John Huntsman, and Rick Santorum. The question that is on everyone’s mind is who is looking like they can win?

Saints rout Cougars, 7-1

By Eric Albury |
Photo by Eric Albury

The Saints set off a bombardment of offensive scoring against the Saint Xavier University Cougars on Thursday, October 13, bringing the final score to 7-1.

Seven goals are the most scored by the Saints since September 2, 2006 against Brewton-Parker College. Flagler scored 8-0 in that game.

Occupy Jacksonville

By Joshua Santos | Hundreds gathered at Hemming Park in downtown Jacksonville FL, sporting handmade signs, costumes, and a message to Wall Street.

Harvest of Hope Foundation moving forward, president says

By Emily Hoover|

For Phil Kellerman, president of the Gainesville-based Harvest of Hope Foundation, philanthropy runs in the family.

After his grandmother Helen Zand, a professor and social worker, mentioned she would be leaving an inheritance to her grandchildren, Kellerman said he was going to put the money to good use.

“[My grandmother and I] used to talk about the issues involving poverty,” he said. “She was really smart and really ahead of her time. This was right around the time I was thinking of setting up a foundation for migrant workers and I told her I was going to set up a foundation in her honor.”

For homeless, faceless even in death

By Michael Newberger | Earlier this year, the remains of Christopher Wood were finally identified, three years after their discovery in the woods off State Road 312. People searching for cans came across his body, which was so decomposed that his identity and even cause…

Shelter animals: companions for life

By Mari Pothier |
Photo by Mari Pothier

The first time I saw Toby he was curled up on a green towel in a metal pen, outside of Petco.

He was part of an animal rescue organization called Paw Safe in Tampa. I really didn’t bother with the little terrier mutt, who had brown, wiry fur and was nothing more than skin and bones, because a howling beagle who was his cage mate stole my attention. I was 13-years-old and my family had no intention of getting a dog anytime soon. So little did I know that the little terrier scruff, lying sadly on a towel would become one of my greatest pals.

Live life for life, not for today

By Phil Grech |

When I was still tattooing in south Florida, people were getting carpe diem tattoos like people buy tacos from Taco Bell. That analogy is bad because it implies we specialized in carpe diem tattoos, but you get the idea: lots of carpe diem tattoos getting pumped out on a regular basis.

That brings me into a thought I’ve had recently: we all want to know how to live our lives and sadly, we spend so much of our lives trying to figure that out.

Students embrace new Flagler pep band

By Colby Eaton |

The Flagler College athletic department is starting a Flagler pep band to increase the enthusiasm of the crowd at home games.

Jud Damon, Director of Athletics at Flagler College, is the originator of the idea and hopes that it will bring a more exciting atmosphere.

Flagler College students have already shown interest.

Ryan Erlacher, assistant Athletic Director, has high hopes for the pep band’s success at future basketball home games.