Through the Lens: Photo Club working with intellectually and developmentally challenged
/a>By Sarah Williamson |
The Flagler College Photography Club teamed up with ARC of St. Johns to teach students the excitement of taking photographs. This unique program, funded by a local grant last fall, has become a favorite part of the students’ week.
American Elects visit may show future involvement from young people in politics
By Frank Mahoney |
Flagler College was host to a new type of political movement on Jan. 27. The Americans Elect East Coast Bus Tour parked its bus on Sevilla Street and informed students of a new way that people can get involved in politics.
“Americans Elect is the nation’s first ever nonpartisan direct presidential nominating process,” David Arreola, the South East Regional Director for the Americans Elect College Team and the Campus Leader for Flagler College, said.
Students on the virtual battlefield
By Tiffanie Reynolds |
When Reddit and Wikipedia blacked out in protest of SOPA and PIPA earlier this month, James Phillips decided to black-out too.
The freshman political science major changed his Facebook profile picture to completely black with the words, “This has been removed in violation of SOPA,” and he blacked out the pages that he moderates on Reddit, which is part of a larger network. Several of his friends also protested, using the same completely black image as their profile picture.
Men’s golf team working hard towards goal of winning Peach Belt
By Adam Hunt |
Santiago Cavanagh has his eyes on the prize.
And the Flagler men’s golf coach knows what it takes to win the Peach Belt Conference Championship title – his team did it last year.
Flagler women’s basketball coach hopes team can get back on track
By Jaycob Ammerman |
The Flagler women’s basketball team continues their struggles with their recent home loss to Montevallo.
The Saints are now a disappointing 2-17 on the season, with a current seven game losing streak.
Coming into the season, the Saints expectations were very high.
Gingrich speaks about threats to U.S. during trip through Northeast Florida
By Michael Newberger | gargoyle@flagler.eduBy
Hours before the Republican debate in Jacksonville, Florida Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich told the grassroots organization Veterans For A Stronger America that he feels the most pressing threats against the United States are recent advancements in Chinese military strength and radical Islam.
Amethystine Pythons
By Da’Miah Finch|
The Amethystine Python holds the title for the longest snake species. It’s also over 30 feet long. This type of snake is usually found in Indonesia, Papua, New Guinea and Australia.
Bird watching
By Na’tiece Anderson
The West African Crowned Crane eats grasses, seeds and insects.
These birds live on the coast of the Nile River basin. They live in open landscapes such as marsh areas and grasslands near water. They are about 3.3 feet tall and weigh about 7.7 pounds. They are endangered in most habitats and build their nests in trees. They like to dance too!
Harley the hognose snake
By Curtis Manning>
Snake Name – Harley
Type Of Snake-Western Hognose
The most interesting thing about this wonderful species is it’s not like any ordinary snake. The fangs are in the back of the mouth and that’s very unusual.
Harley the Western Hognose Snake is located at the St. Augustine Alligator Farm. He is full-grown. He has been at the Alligator Farm for five years now, and he is really friendly.